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Social Studies 8 Mr. Oliveira Welcome....

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Presentation on theme: "Social Studies 8 Mr. Oliveira Welcome...."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Studies 8 Mr. Oliveira Welcome...

2 We are here to explore,

3 to learn,

4 to think,

5 and to create: Innovative projects

6 We are here to SUCCEED!

7 We are going to have FUN, BUT

8 You WILL be expected to WORK!

9 Topics of Study WOW! Geography Current Events History: Ancient Rome
Medieval Times Renaissance Reformation Explorers China India Feudal Japan WOW!

10 Rules and Expectations
Be prepared: -textbook -notebook -agenda -homework! Be responsible. Be respectful. Be on time. Leave your electronic devices in you locker.

11 SUCCESS = A positive attitude. A willingness to try. Hard work.
Trying your best.

12 Consequences BUT WE DON’T WANT TO GO HERE!!
A verbal warning (1,2,..3rd strike and you’re out!). Lunch Duty (Mr. C). Parent notification. Administrative action. BUT WE DON’T WANT TO GO HERE!!

13 ANY QUESTIONS? ??????????????

14 THE END If you find yourself overwhelmed or lost…
Please talk to me first and I will help you!

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