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Sentence Types.

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Presentation on theme: "Sentence Types."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sentence Types

2 Statement Declarative Exclamation Question Command Exclamatory
There are 4 types of sentences.. Gives information- Shows excitement- Asks for information- Gives direction- Statement Declarative Exclamation Exclamatory Question Interrogative Command Imperative

3 . period Declarative: Imperative: . period ! exclamation mark
The punctuation used on a sentence often shows meaning for the reader. What punctuation does each type of sentence use? Declarative: Imperative: Exclamatory: Interrogative: . period . period ! exclamation mark ? question mark

4 What punctuation would you put on the end of these sentences?
. Gritch ran her bony finger with the long green nail down the list of ingredients How can I make Piggie Pie without even one puny pink pig I’ve got you now, you little porkers Forget about the pigs So, who needs a dumb duck Hey duck ? ! . ? !

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