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Weather Climate.

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1 Weather Climate

2 The Difference Weather- refers to the daily temperature and precipitation activity. Ex: Rainy, Hot, Sunny Climate- is the long term (> 30 years) temperature and precipitation patterns. Ex: Cold/Wet, Hot/Dry, Warm/Wet

3 Temperature Profile The diagram below shows the relationship between Celsius and Fahrenheit. This diagram highlights the relationship between Celsius and Fahrenheit. It is important for students to understand both measuring units. In all of the exercises in this curriculum, the students will be working in Celsius. In the next few slides, you will take the students through a daily, monthly, annual, and yearly progression from weather to climate.

4 Daily Weather What is the weather like today?
How is it different from yesterday? Is it raining today? What is the temperature today? Prompt the students about the local weather on the day you are starting this exercise. Explain to them the differences between weather and climate. Weather is short term, while climate is considered temperature and precipitation patterns in excess of 30 years. The diagram on this slide just gives the students an idea of what the temperature was like in different parts of the country on the respective days. This diagram depicts the temperatures in both Fahrenheit and Celsius. As we move forward in the curriculum, we will only be working in Celsius.

5 Daily Weather The graph above shows the daily temperature profile for the city of Bethlehem in September Temperature is indicated on the y-axis, while the day of the month is indicated on the x-axis. The high and low temperatures for each day are indicated by the extent of the vertical blue lines. The blue dot is the average temperature for that day. The solid horizontal blue line is the monthly average temperature. You should point out to the students that there is variation in the monthly temperature pattern.

6 Monthly Weather This is an example of a climatograph. It shows both temperature and precipitation patterns on it. The temperature is indicated by the red line, while the amount of precipitation is indicated by the blue bars. Temperature is plotted in °Celsius on the right y-axis, while precipitation is plotted on the left y-axis in centimeters. Months are plotted on the x-axis. It will be helpful to walk the students through this carefully as they will be seeing diagrams like this in a later activity. The elevation, latitude, and longitude are written across the top of each climatograph.

7 Climate This diagram depicts the 55 year temperature pattern of Allentown, PA. This is considered climate. You should stress to the students that climate is long term (greater than 30 years). The trendline that passes through the data shows that since 1950, the average annual temperature has risen 1 °C.

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