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Presentation on theme: "PSA."— Presentation transcript:


2 PSA Ideas Anti Drugs Underage drinking Drinking and driving
Anti-bullying Vandalism Peer Pressure Recycle/ littering/ save the earth Nutrient and health Hunger Depression Fighting Cyber Safety Stay in School Reclus driving Hate Crimes Helmet Safety Suicide prevention Smoking Seat belts

3 PSA Examples

4 Requirements Needs to be a minute long
Editing and lighting with proper genre and theme Use of text Use of sound and effects Title and credits

5 Assessment Storyboarding/Preproduction: Filled out shot list and storyboarding sheets (20 points) Presentation and critique (20 points) Effort: The use of class time/ turned in on time/ Participation (25 points) Craftsmanship: Editing and shooting of scenes Creativity: Use of different angles per scene, how it is edited Technical/followed instructions


7 Tutorial

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