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1-10 words unit 7 by Sean Manning.

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1 1-10 words unit 7 by Sean Manning

2 amiss faulty, Imperfect, not as should be. Synonyms-awry

3 brawl a noisy quarrel or fight Synonyms-donnybrook,scuffle

4 detest to hate, dislike very much, loathe Synonyms -abhor, despise

5 domestic native to a country, not foreign Synonyms- native, servant

6 flagrant extremely bad, glaring,scandalous Synonyms-gross,blatant

7 flaw a sunlight fault,defect,crack Synonyms-blemish,imperfection

8 fledgling an inexperienced person, young bird about to leave nest.

9 fluster to make or become confused disconcert

10 foremost chief, most important,primary. Synonyms-leading,

11 momentum the force or speed with which something moves

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