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HPP Coalition Surge Test Hospital Briefing March 13, 2019

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Presentation on theme: "HPP Coalition Surge Test Hospital Briefing March 13, 2019"— Presentation transcript:

1 HPP Coalition Surge Test Hospital Briefing March 13, 2019

2 Q & A Overview of the Coalition Surge Test (CST)
Agenda Overview of the Coalition Surge Test (CST) Peer Assessors and Evaluators Scope of Play Exercise Documents & Deliverables Q & A All Exercise Documents, Guidance, Deliverables:

3 Overview of the Coalition Surge Test
Elements of the Coalition Surge Test include: Annual Requirement for all funded HCCs Hospital Evacuation Scenario – low to no-notice Evacuating hospital seeks assistance from HCC partners Table Top Exercise/Functional Exercise and Facilitated Discussion for hospitals Simulated surge of 20 percent of the HCCs’ staffed acute care bed capacity 20%surge – parallels Immediate Bed Availability (IBA) Consistent with Health Care Preparedness and Response Capabilities

4 Low/No Notice

5 Regulatory Compliance
Completion of all exercise deliverables may meet CMS & JCO requirements for a full scale/community-based disaster drill. Framework & templates for all documentation needed to demonstrate regulatory compliance will be provided to you after the exercise. Essential to participate fully in order to meet minimum regulatory requirements.

6 Role of the HCC in this exercise
Collaborate & coordinate with health care response entities to identify clinically appropriate beds for evacuating patients Communicate & coordinate with medically appropriate transportation Identify essential elements of information that helps inform situational awareness among coalition members and partners

7 Coalition Performance Measures

8 Exercise Scenario

9 Peer Assessors and Evaluators
Each facility must identify TWO Peer Assessor (primary and a back up) Identify your Peer Assessor by Noon on March 22nd (CVHC Meeting) Ken Smith will be leading all Peer Assessors in their role in evaluation of the facilities

10 Hospital Scope of Play Activation of your Emergency Operations Plan.
Minimum/skeleton staffing of your command center. Complete all required VHASS reporting: Update Hospital Status Board with inpatient bed availability when requested. Post required information in the VHASS Event Log. Monitor throughout exercise and respond to information requests from the RHCC. Work through surge test discussion questions over the 90 minute period. Participate in a 30 minute discussion/hot wash following the exercise.

11 Exercise Sequence UNKNOWN DATE/TIME
Hospitals will receive VHASS text alert & 60 mins before the start of the exercise. Peer Assessors get into place STARTEX: Exercise will start promptly 1 hour after alert (have HICS assembled) Participate in VHASS deliverables quickly Work through discussion questions ENDEX: and has a hard stop 90 minutes after STARTEX. Facilitated discussion/hot wash via conference call will occur at a pre-scheduled time after exercise ends.

12 Review of Hospital Exercise Docs
Exercise Briefing VHASS Review

13 Q&A Next Steps: Questions?
Review Coalition Surge Test Exercise Information Receive CST 2-week Window Notification / Alert Ensure VHASS accounts are up to date Review facility EOP (Surge and Evacuation Planning) Participate in CST Questions?

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