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The United States’ Role in World Affairs from 1890 to 1940

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1 The United States’ Role in World Affairs from 1890 to 1940

2 In 1867 he purchased Alaska from Russia for $7.2 million.

3 William Seward

4   the policy in which stronger nations extend economic, political, or military control over weaker territories.

5 imperialism

6 This man proposed growing American naval power so the U. S
This man proposed growing American naval power so the U.S. could compete with other nations.

7 Alfred T. Mahan

8 What did the United States build up to protect its interests abroad?

9 Its Navy

10 Who was the 25th president of the United States?

11 William McKinley

12 In the 1890’s US businessmen would push for the overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani. They would push for the United States to annex this land, which would be done by President McKinley in What land was this?

13 Hawaii

14 What two factors made Americans want to go to war with Spain (Spanish American War)?

15 Blowing up the Maine and the de Lome letter.

16 Famous battle during the Spanish American War that helped Theodore Roosevelt become a national hero:

17 Battle of San Juan Hill

18 One of the acquisitions from the Spanish American War was a territory in the Caribbean. What territory was it?

19 Puerto Rico

20 Another acquisition from Spain was more difficult
Another acquisition from Spain was more difficult. The people from this Pacific land thought that we were liberating them from Spanish rule. However they soon found out that we wanted to annex their land. From 1899 through 1902, under the leadership of Emilio Aguinaldo, rebels would fight the United States rule in the Philippines. By 1902, the United States had defeated the Filipino troops and gained control of the land. What land was this?

21 The Philippines

22 In November 1903, the United States supported Panama in her quest for independence from Colombia. In return for this support, the United States was granted “unending” control over a ten mile wide strip of land in Panama in order to build a Canal for shipping goods. What was the name of this canal?

23 Panama Canal

24 Taken from the Monroe Doctrine of 1823 said that the U. S
Taken from the Monroe Doctrine of 1823 said that the U.S. had the right to intervene in Latin American countries to protect U.S. business interests.

25 The Roosevelt Corollary

26 Is the term used to describe the efforts of the United States — particularly under President William Howard Taft — to further its foreign policy aims in Latin America and East Asia through use of its economic power by guaranteeing loans made to foreign countries. The term was originally coined by President Taft, who claimed that U.S. operations in Latin America went from "warlike and political" to "peaceful and economic". It was also used in Liberia, where American loans were given in 1913.

27 Dollar Diplomacy

28 Dollar diplomacy was designed to

29 discourage European intervention in Latin America

30 A unit of volunteer soldiers
A unit of volunteer soldiers . Theodore Roosevelt was one of their leaders. They helped win the important battle of San Juan Hill.

31 Rough Riders

32 The policy written by Secretary of state John Hay that called for China’s ports to remain open and for China to remain independent. No country would have special trading rights.

33 Open Door Policy


35 World War I was also known as this:

36 The Great War

37 Four main factors that led to the outbreak of World War I:

38 Nationalism, Militarism, Imperialism, Alliance System

39 the belief that the interests of a single country were more important than the cooperation among countries.

40 nationalism

41 This is what it is called when Countries tried to increase the power and influence around the world.

42 imperialism

43 building up armies, navies, and other armed forces.

44 militarism

45 the Germans, Austro-Hungarians, and Italy were in the

46 Triple Alliance

47 the French, English, and Russians were in the

48 Triple Entente

49 In 1914, __________________ was assassinated
In 1914, __________________ was assassinated. He had been the heir to the throne of Austria Hungary.

50 Archduke Franz Ferdinand

51 Germans plan to begin the war
Germans plan to begin the war. They wanted to attack the French with all their might first, and then use railroads to get back as quickly as possible to back to fight the Russians on the Eastern front.

52 Schlieffen Plan

53 The stretch of land between the trenches of opposing sides:

54 No Man's Land

55 These people believed that all wars were bad
These people believed that all wars were bad. They argued the United States to set an example for peace.


57 a telegram that proposed an alliance between Germany and Mexico against the United States.

58 Zimmerman note

59 A U-boat sank this British ship, killing more than a thousand people, including 123 Americans.

60 Lusitania

61 This political group saw the war as an imperialist struggle between German and English businessmen

62 socialists

63 What year did the United States enter WWI?

64 1917

65 This law required men to register with the government so that some of them could be selected for military service.

66 Selective Service Act

67 merchant ships traveled in a large group guarded by naval vessels.

68 Convoy System

69 In WWI, American infantrymen were called this:

70 Doughboys

71 The famous soldier from Tennessee known for the his heroics in WWI which would earn him the Medal of Honor.

72 Alvin York

73 a person who opposes war on moral grounds

74 conscientious objector

75 What was the name of President Wilson plan for world peace

76 14 Points

77 Eight of the fourteen points dealt with Self Determination
Eight of the fourteen points dealt with Self Determination. What is Self Determination?

78 Different ethnic groups should be able to decide for themselves what nation they would belong to.

79 In Wilson’s 14th Point, he proposed this international organization to address problems between countries before they led to war:

80 League of Nations

81 The Allied and Central powers met to sign this treaty following WWI

82 Treaty Versailles

83 Wilson brought the treaty back to the United States for approval
Wilson brought the treaty back to the United States for approval. the Senate refused to ratify the treaty. Why?

84 What is the name of the worldwide flu epidemic that would end up killing over 500,000 Americans between 1918 and 1919?

85 Spanish American Flu

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