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21 August 2015 Ms. Smith CCR English 11

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1 21 August 2015 Ms. Smith CCR English 11
Collect Signed Syllabus SLO - Reading Grammar 21 August Ms. Smith CCR English 11

2 Write your first and last name on the cover!
SLO Prompt Writer’s Notebook Since 9/11 security in America has become a major issue. Using the articles provided, create a written response taking a stand on the appropriate balance between freedom and security at the national level. Be sure to use MLA parenthetical citation in your response. Write your first and last name on the cover! You may choose to keep your notebook here or take it with you.

3 Narrative Brainstorming & Prewriting
Homework Monday SLO / Grammar Tuesday Wednesday Plot Structure Review Thursday Narrative Brainstorming & Prewriting Friday Narrative Rough Draft Grammar Practice (reviewing on Wednesday) Signed syllabus (due by August 27th)

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