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Eric Hero vs. Tragic Hero

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2 Eric Hero vs. Tragic Hero
Compare and contrast the qualities of each hero. Remember to identify similarities and differences. List examples of each type of hero.

3 Epic Hero When the Hero reaches manhood, he returns or goes to a future kingdom. The Epic Hero is larger than life and embodies the values of particular society. An epic hero is superhuman. His braver, stronger, smarter and cleverer than an ordinary man. The epic hero is on a quest for something of great value to him or to his people. The divine world interferes with the human world The epic hero often experiences a symbolic death or has to travel to the underworld.

4 Tragic Hero The hero is of noble birth. The hero possesses a tragic flaw that eventually leads to his downfall. The hero suffers a reversal of fortune brought about by the hero's tragic flaw. The hero's actions result in an increase of self-awareness and self-knowledge. The audience must empathize with the hero.

5 Tragic Hero The hero's downfall is usually due to excessive pride, known as hubris. The hero is doomed from the start. Although the hero bears no responsibility for possessing this fatal flaw, the hero still bears responsibility for their actions. The hero discovers their fate as a result of their own actions, and not by what happens to them. The hero is usually noble, a ruler or leader of others- the hero's fate affects not just them, but the welfare of those that they rule. 

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