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Culture of Latin/ South America

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1 Culture of Latin/ South America

2 Mexico Indigenous- Descendants of the first inhabitants
Descended from the Mayan or Aztec Mestizo- A person from Spanish and Native ancestors

3 Mexico 107 million Population Mexico City Largest City- 19 million
External Vs. Internal Migration Urbanization

4 History of Mexico First settled by the Maya and Aztec
The Impossible City Tenochtitlan- Legend

5 Early Mexico Hernan Cortes and the Conquistador Viceroys
Mexican Independence, First Spanish Colony to win independence in Latin America Dictators

6 Language and Religion Spanish Catholic

7 Central America/Caribbean

8 People of Caribbean

9 Population Population is interesting, most of the population lives in Coastal and Capitol Cities A lot of Migration for more opportunity

10 Urban Challenges Huge population swings
How might this impact countries

11 European Conquest This is where Columbus lands

12 Columbian Exchange

13 Panama Canal Built by the Americans in the 1910’s Teddy Roosevelt

14 Cuba’s Independence Fidel and Che 1955

15 South America

16 The People 350 indigenous groups Population Density is a nightmare

17 Urbanization Sao Paulo and Buenos Aires- top 15 largest urban areas
Crime, poor, housing, employment, public works are huge issues


19 Early Cultures Inca in Peru Remember Machu Picchu
Intricate Road system, better than the romans

20 European Conquest The easiest way to know who conquered them is to look at the language they speak

21 Religion Mostly Catholic

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