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Jeopardy Congress.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Congress."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy Congress

2 Congress Roles Requirements Actions Other 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 Final Jeopardy

3 Congress True/False The House of Representatives is where all bills begin.

4 Answer False: No, only tax bills.

5 Congress A bill is revised in this committee with both the House and Senate represented to work out the difference in the bills proposed by both houses

6 Answer Conference Committee

7 Congress A filibuster is used by which party in the Senate?

8 Answer Minority Party

9 Congress The presiding officer of the Senate is the…

10 Answer Vice President

11 Congress Those members head the standing committees in each chamber.

12 Answer Committee Chairperson

13 Roles Lawmakers who owe their first political allegiance to their party.

14 Answer Partisan

15 Roles Lawmakers who believe they should vote the way they think the “folks back home” would want.

16 Answer Delegates

17 Roles Lawmakers who vote according to their own conscience and judgment.

18 Answer Trustees

19 Roles Lawmakers who combine the basic elements of all other roles.

20 Answer Politicos

21 Roles The elected presiding officer of the House and the acknowledged leader of its majority party is the…

22 Answer Speaker of the House

23 Requirements True/False
A member of the House must be at least 30 years old

24 Answer False

25 Requirements True/False
A member of Senate must have been a citizen for at least 9 years

26 Answer True

27 Requirements True/False
The term length for the House of Representative is six years

28 Answer FALSE

29 Requirements True/False
A member of Senate must be at least 30 years old.

30 Answer True

31 Requirements Why do members of the Senate serve six years, whereas members of the House serve only two?

32 Answer The Senate is a Continuous Body

33 Actions A meeting called by the President to deal with a pressing issue

34 Answer Special Session

35 Actions Districts are drawn to the advantage of the political party that controls the State legislature.

36 Answer Gerrymandering

37 Actions This is when congress oversees the spending of the executive departments

38 Answer Oversight Function

39 Actions Which of the following is not an expressed power of Congress?
A. Power to collect taxes B. Power to borrow money C. Power to set minimum wage D. Power to coin money

40 Answer C. Power to set Minimum Wage

41 Actions The main way to end a filibuster is….

42 Answer Cloture Rule

43 Other Congressional elections that occur in the non-presidential election year are called…

44 Answer Off Year Election

45 Other The people of states or districts ie: voters

46 Answer Constituents

47 Other They want a broad interpretation of the Constitution

48 Answer Liberal Constructionist

49 Other True/False Strict constructionists believed that Congress should exercise only its expressed powers and those powers absolutely necessary to carry out those expressed powers.

50 Answer True

51 Other True/False Members of Senate may be elected numerous times

52 Answer True

53 Final Jeopardy Question

54 Final Jeopardy Answer Answer

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