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Mrs. Hardy’s Life and Physical Science Classrooms

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Hardy’s Life and Physical Science Classrooms"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Hardy’s Life and Physical Science Classrooms
Rules and procedures Mrs. Hardy’s Life and Physical Science Classrooms

2 CLASS RULES Respect Others Respect Materials Respect Yourself

Raising your hand to speak Saying positive and supportive comments to peers Cleaning up after yourself Putting away your materials properly Trying your best Completing all your work on time Talking when the teacher or a peer is talking Yelling across the room Leaving a mess at your seat Shoving your notebook onto the shelf Saying you can’t do it Not completing your work or not turning it in

4 Yes or no

5 Yes or no

6 Classroom procedures Enter the room quietly
Pick up any papers on the from counter Check the board for what you will need today Gather all your needed materials Transition quickly and quietly between activities Follow the last minute alert Turn in your assignment Clean up your area Pack up your materials Say something supportive to a classmate

7 discipline Behavior Intervention Form (BIF)
First write up- Stop sign- your warning Second write up- phone call home to parent and student reflection form Third write up – phone call home to parent, lunch detention, and student reflection form Fourth write up- phone call home to parent and referral

8 discipline Behavior Intervention Form (BIF)
First write up- Stop sign- your warning Second write up- phone call home to parent and student reflection form Third write up – phone call home to parent, lunch detention, and student reflection form Fourth write up- phone call home to parent and referral

9 Never allowed immediate BIF
Inappropriate language Mistreatment of any person Cheating Defiant behavior

10 Science safety contract
No horseplay Follow instructions Perform only authorized experiments Be extremely careful with chemicals and equipment Always read labels of chemicals and DO NOT MIX Do not reach across flames or bring and unauthorized materials near flame Dress appropriately Know your safety equipment

11 Science safety contract
Wear safety goggles when necessary- it’s the law Report any broken glass immediately Clean up after yourself and your team No eating, drinking, or gum chewing during labs Cheating or plagiarism will result in failure of the assignment Speak up if bullying occurs around you

12 Safety contract due August 22
Must be read by parent and student and signed by you parent!

13 Request to retest REQUIRED if you score below a 75% or below on any chapter test or 9- weeks exam Reflect on why you made your original score Complete 3 activities to practice the skills or concepts you missed Make a date to retest those skills or concepts Attach previous test and proof of your activities with the request Must be completed within 2 weeks of original test date

14 Sample Activities for remediation
Peer tutoring Study Island Reading Plus Foldables Reading summaries from textbook or outside resources One-on-one tutoring with teacher Practice worksheets Flashcards for vocabulary practices for at least 1 hour total time (parent signature required for validation)

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