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Facility Fusion Montreal

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1 Facility Fusion Montreal
Pre Conference at Facility Fusion Montreal Part of WE’s mission is to share the collective wisdom, research, and experience of the global workplace community with our friends and followers. This engaging event will reveal the latest workplace thinking and see how some of that thinking plays out in the real world. Our industry thought leaders range from those early in their journey to those who have implemented and are evaluating their results. In addition, we have thought leaders from consulting and research perspectives who have some key insights and leading practices and innovations to share. All speakers will each share what they know for sure from leading workplace evolution from within their organization and those who support them or from supporting many organizations. WE have assembled a great selection of Canadian, UK and American speakers. A Global Workplace Community focused on increasing Workplace Innovation & Consciousness When: Tuesday, May 3rd Time: 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM Location: The Fairmont Queen Elizabeth Room Duluth Registration Fee CAD$129 members CAD$149 non members Learning Objectives 1.     Learn about important workplace ideas and trends from thought leaders 2.     Establish a deep understanding of how to develop, deploy, and evolve an effective workplace strategy 3.     Learn how to use measures and metrics to evaluate the success of a workplace change 4.     Gain critical been-there-done-that insights from teams who have led successful workplace change initiatives. Agenda Welcome & Introductions What WE know for Sure: Two Rounds of a highly interactive discussions with our key thought leaders and all attendees WE Share - Case Study WE Roll-up - What did WE learn? WE Thought Leaders & Facilitators: Kate North, Global WE Chair and VP Workplace Innovation, PlaceValue, Chicago Meredith Thatcher, Thatcher Workplace Consulting, Ottawa Laura Hambley, Ph.D, President, Work EvOHlution, Calgary Joelle Diwan, Director, Workplace Strategy and Planning, Business Development Bank of Canada, Montreal Philip Vanhoutte, Smarter Working Evangelist and Author of the Smarter Working Manifesto, UK David Potter, Director, Business Development WORKshift Canada, Toronto Kathleen Heroux, WorkSmart Program Lead – Manulife, Boston Julisa Mandeville & Patti Engstrom, Senior Principal Consultants at The Clearing  - Washington, DC Sandy Virgo, Manager, Tomorrow’s Workplace, The City of Calgary Rose-Ann Dunik, Project Manager, Real Estate Strategy, MD Financial, Ottawa Click Here for Details About Facility Fusion Social Hour/Networking: Your chance to share what YOU know for sure at a state-of-the-art new workplace!

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