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Hausaufgaben (HAG): Go to our class website:

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Presentation on theme: "Hausaufgaben (HAG): Go to our class website:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hausaufgaben (HAG): Go to our class website: * Find your class (Gelb 4): -Read Syllabus -Both You and a Parent must sign the Syllabus Agreement -Answer the Information Sheet

2 Participation, Bathroom/Hall Passes and Expectations
Participation/Preparation *It is MANDATORY! If caught doing something you are not supposed to do (Like talking when I am, no book, etc.): -First Offense: Warning ( Name goes on board) -Second Offense: A check by your name -Third Offense: Stay after class and pick up the floor, clean the board and/or organize the books -Fourth Offense: A visit to the discipline office Bathroom/Hall Passes You get 4 a semester (MAKE THEM COUNT!) -Bring a water bottle. Bathroom/ Hall pass will not be given for water fountain -Sign out on clipboard near me -Bathroom break is 5min long! Any longer will result in an immediate loss of participation points Expectations: Strebsamkeit (Ambition): Have an open mind and put the language skills learned in our class to use. Try to correctly pronounce the words, use the vocabulary/ sentence structures we are practicing and speak in German as much as possible. Pünktlichkeit (Punctuality): Be on time to class and turn everything in on time. Late work will not be accepted. Major assignments will be penalized 10% per day late and will not be accepted more than a week late. Ordentlichkeit (Organization) : Bring all of your supplies to class everyday. Develop an organization system for yourself that can allow you to find all assignments and resources easier. Keep our classroom neat! Höflichkeit (Politeness/Courtesy): Respect each other, me and other school personnel at all times. Do not make fun of or put down anyone for any reason, even as a joke. Crude speech and cursing, in any language, is not appropriate and will not be tolerated. Leitung ( Leadership): A leader is someone that helps others inside or outside of the classroom. If you see someone struggling with something, step in and help them out.

3 Partner Interview Wie heiβt du? Was machst du gern? Hast du eine Reise während des Sommers gemacht? Welche Länder hast du besucht? Welches Land findest du am besten? Warum ?

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