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Agenda 3/28/17 Sketchbook #45 –Masters of Portraiture

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda 3/28/17 Sketchbook #45 –Masters of Portraiture"— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda 3/28/17 Sketchbook #45 –Masters of Portraiture Introduction to Narrative Portraiture Narrative Portraiture Photo Project Portrait Research Assignment Complete the Independent Self Evaluation. Type and save as a .pdf. Call it youtlastname-ISE.pdf Turn in your Independent Project: Call your files yourlastname-I1.jpeg Yourlastname-I2.jpeg Turn in the Independent Self Evaluation – call it yourlastname-ISE.pdf 7) Contemporary Photographers Project Due 3/3

2 Sketchbook #45: Review the PowerPoint entitled “Masters of Portraiture”. Choose one portrait that appeals to you. Explain why you like this photograph. What makes it visually dynamic? Explain what you have learned about the subject by viewing this portrait. What is the location, environment, or setting? What do these things reveal about the subject? Describe the subjects facial expressions, body language, position/posture and clothing. What do these things reveal about the subject? What techniques did the photographer use to capture the essence of the subject? Explain their use of the elements of art, composition/viewpoint, and lighting.

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