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Prompt for Paper 1 Write an argumentative essay following a 5 paragraph scheme and using evidence, analysis, and synthesis. In your synthesis be sure.

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Presentation on theme: "Prompt for Paper 1 Write an argumentative essay following a 5 paragraph scheme and using evidence, analysis, and synthesis. In your synthesis be sure."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prompt for Paper 1 Write an argumentative essay following a 5 paragraph scheme and using evidence, analysis, and synthesis. In your synthesis be sure to extend the analysis beyond your original argument but do not bring in new evidence to do so. PROMPT: Diamond’s essay flatly says that agriculture was the most pernicious invention in mankind’s long history. Using evidence from the essay and your own knowledge either support or rebut Diamond’s stance. (This is not a personal essay so do not use “I” in responding.) Do your own work.

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