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Deputy Director for Program

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1 Deputy Director for Program
1st International Seminar on Science and Technologies for Internet of Things “ A New Round of IoT in Digitizing Science and Technology in the 4.0 era” By Ith Vuthy Deputy Director for Program

2 The Internet of Things is fast becoming a fixture in some industries, and the technologies for transformative business applications are at hand. Yet many organizations have been slow to recognize and act on these new opportunities. The Analytics explores the many business opportunities IoT presents, details its associated implementation challenges and describes how organizations can accelerate their progress so they don’t fall behind.

3 The Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of physical objects—devices, vehicles, buildings and other items embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and network connectivity—that enables these objects to collect and exchange data.



6 Internet user in ASEAN


8 Integrating Literacies-Competencies- Character
Student require 16 Skills for the 21 Century

9 ASEAN 2025

10 Industrial Evolution


12 Did not exist in 2006







19 Closing the technology gap which exist between the IoT solution providers and potential adopter of the technology. a. Benefit Predictive maintenance Data analysis Higher customers satisfaction Securing and competitive advantage

20 b . Barriers Estimating ROI-Estimating the Return on Investment of IoT Cyber security Cultural Resistance Structural problems

21 Thank you

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