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Key Academic Words If you know these words you will be able to respond to FRQ prompts more appropriately & earn more points.

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Presentation on theme: "Key Academic Words If you know these words you will be able to respond to FRQ prompts more appropriately & earn more points."— Presentation transcript:

1 Key Academic Words If you know these words you will be able to respond to FRQ prompts more appropriately & earn more points.

2 Identify: to recognize and correctly name someone or something
Identify: to recognize and correctly name someone or something. Example: Identify two ways in which federalism has changed since 1994. Define: to tell the meaning of. Example: Define federalism. Describe: to say what something is like or give an account of, shows some understanding. Example: Describe two methods by which federalism has changed since 1994. Explain: Make clear or plain, tell why/how, give reasons or causes for. Example: Explain two reasons why federalism has changed since 1994.

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