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Radioactive Dating.

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1 Radioactive Dating

2 If an element is radioactive, how can you tell when its atoms are going to decay?
Some take seconds to decay to stable atoms, others take millions of years! Half-life = amount of time it takes for half the nuclei in a sample of the isotope to decay For each half-life, ½ of the substance decays.

3 Example problems 1. The half-life of I-123 is 13 hrs. How much of a 64 mg sample is left after 39 hrs?

4 Example Problems 2. Element Z has a half-life of 2 days. If 3 grams of a sample remain after 10 days, what was the mass of the original sample?

5 Example Problems grams of Element Y decays to 20 grams in 10 days. What is the half-life of Element Y?

6 Carbon Dating C-14 is used to date the ages of plant/animal remains
C-14 has a half life of 5,730 yrs and is found in CO2 Plants use CO2 to make food, therefore having C-14. Animals eat plants so C-14 is added to their bodies.

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