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Grade 6 Patterning and Algebra Unit

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1 Grade 6 Patterning and Algebra Unit
Solving Equations Grade 6 Patterning and Algebra Unit

2 What is an equation???

3 Equation Definition An equation is a statement that two things are equal, where the left side equals the right side. Which of these are equations? 5+8=13 7x3=21 4+9-7 19=25-6 63/7=3x3

4 Equations 5+8=13 7x3=21 19=25-6 63/7=3x3 What makes these equations? How do you know?

5 Solving Equations The goal to solve an equation is to find the missing number. Example #1: 163=?+49 How can we solve this?

6 Example #2 How would we solve this equation? ?/6=44

7 Inverse Operations To solve equations, we can use inverse operations, this means to do the opposite of what operation is in the equation. Example #3 ?/5=7 The inverse operation of division is multiplication, so to solve this equation we would multiple 5x7, this will find the missing number of 35.

8 Example #4 To solve this equation you must:
1. Look at what operation is being used 2. Use the inverse operation to solve, which means it’s opposite ?-26=15

9 Task In groups, solve the following equations. After you solved the equations, write the steps you took to reach your answer. Group 1: ___+14=18 19x___=76 Group 2: 95=____-44 345/___=15 Group 3: 22-___=14 480=8x____ Group 4 84=107-____ 13x_____=39 Group 5 100=33+____ ; 7=___/7

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