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How to… Write A Lab Report

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Presentation on theme: "How to… Write A Lab Report"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to… Write A Lab Report

2 Cover Page… Title Student Name Seed Germination Lab Teacher Name
Class Period Dates Experiment Ran Seed Germination Lab CHHS Pirate Ms. Peacock 3rd Block 8/28 – 8/31

3 Within your report, you need the following things…
Title Objective Hypothesis Materials List Procedure Data Analysis and Conclusions

4 Title… Objective… Should be less than 10 words
Use key words from the experiment NOT designed to catch the readers fancy! Paragraph Tell why the experiment was performed and what you are trying to answer or discover. Objective…

5 Hypothesis… Materials List… Should be an If…THEN statement
Based on facts NOT opinion Bulleted List Be sure to list ALL materials that were used Materials List…

6 Procedure A DETAILED description of exactly what you did to perform your experiment. Be sure to include all steps, no matter how small they may seem! Present the data that you discovered while doing your experiment. Can include: Written observations Graphs or Charts (ALL should be hand drawn!) Data…

7 Analysis and Conclusion
Summarize the results of your experiment Explain what you learned Sources of error…how can you make the experiment better? Accept or Reject your hypothesis If you reject, what should you do to revise and retest?

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