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SSR Reminders Grade level appropriate

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Presentation on theme: "SSR Reminders Grade level appropriate"— Presentation transcript:

1 SSR Reminders Grade level appropriate
Graphic novels count less – see me first to decide a page number You can abandon a book between pages and have those pages count toward your total You must have finished the book in order to have a book talk You must have the book with you If your book is a movie/TV show, you can only earn 150 pages from it

2 SSR Plan Total number of pages divided by 6
That is how many pages you need to read per week Total number of pages per week divided by 7 That is how many pages you need to read per day

3 SSR Check-In Weekly check-in Counts as a homework grade
What happened? Favorite line Counts as a homework grade Each Thursday/Friday I will give you 30 min to read If you don’t have your book, you earn a 0 for that HW grade If you’re not reading, you earn a 0 for that HW grade If you finished your book, you still need to use that time to read something else

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