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Histograms and Box Plots

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Presentation on theme: "Histograms and Box Plots"— Presentation transcript:

1 Histograms and Box Plots

2 How long did it take you to get to school this morning?
After you finish the Warm-Up, write the number of minutes it takes you to get to school on a stick note really BIG so that everyone will be able to see it!

3 Histograms Histograms are used to organize quantitative information.
When creating a histogram from raw data, create a frequency table first, then use it to create the histogram.

4 Steps for Creating a Histogram:
Using your data, decide on the interval you want to use for your histogram (be sure they are all the same size). Create a frequency table from the data. Draw and label your x- and y- axes. Remember that the y-axis is always labeled “Frequency.” Draw each bar using your frequency table.

5 How long did it take you to get to school this morning?
Frequency Table Interval Tally Frequency

6 What is the age of the youngest person in your household?
Frequency Table Interval Tally Frequency

7 “Grab the whale by the tail”
Shape and Center Measures of Center: Mean and Median Shape: Skew Left, Skew Right, Mounded/Normal “Grab the whale by the tail”

8 Determine the shape of each Histogram:

9 “Creating Histograms”

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