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Weather Jeopardy.

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Presentation on theme: "Weather Jeopardy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Weather Jeopardy

2 Tools Water Cycle Clouds Severe Weather Vocabulary 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

3 What tool would help you measure the temperature of water in a pond?
100 What tool would help you measure the temperature of water in a pond?

4 Answer: a thermometer

5 You would use this to measure air pressure.
200 You would use this to measure air pressure.

6 Answer: 200 barometer

7 We used this tool to measure the amount of rain.
300 We used this tool to measure the amount of rain.

8 Answer: a rain gauge

9 Instrument that measures wind speed.
400 Instrument that measures wind speed.

10 Answer: anemometer

11 This tool tells us what direction the wind is coming from.
500 This tool tells us what direction the wind is coming from.

12 Answer a wind vane

13 Use the motions to demonstrate the water cycle.
100 Use the motions to demonstrate the water cycle.

14 Condensation, precipitation, run-off, evaporation
Answer Condensation, precipitation, run-off, evaporation

15 200 During this stage water droplets get heavy, large, and cold. They fall to the Earth.

16 Answer What is precipitation?

17 300 During what stage does water try to get to the ocean by streams and underground?

18 Answer run-off

19 During this stage liquid water heats up and becomes water vapor.
400 During this stage liquid water heats up and becomes water vapor.

20 Answer What is evaporation?

21 500 During what stage does water vapor cool and form small water droplets in the clouds?

22 Answer Condensation

23 100 What are fluffy clouds with flat bottoms that look like cotton balls called?

24 Answer cumulus clouds

25 Name the three main clouds we studied.
200 Name the three main clouds we studied.

26 cirrus, cumulus, and stratus
Answer cirrus, cumulus, and stratus

27 These clouds often bring thunderstoms.
300 These clouds often bring thunderstoms.

28 Answer What are cumulonimbus?

29 These clouds are thin, feathery, and high in the sky.
400 These clouds are thin, feathery, and high in the sky.

30 Answer What are cirrus clouds?

31 These clouds are heavy, low to the ground, and thick like a blanket.
500 These clouds are heavy, low to the ground, and thick like a blanket.

32 What are stratus clouds?
Answer What are stratus clouds?

33 What happens during a tornado?
100 What happens during a tornado?

34 Answer A funnel shaped cloud follows a thunderstorm. It has high winds, hail, and rain. The high winds can pick things up and destroy homes.

35 What does a hurricane need to form?
200 What does a hurricane need to form?

36 Answer Warm ocean water

37 What is the difference between a watch and a warning?
300 What is the difference between a watch and a warning?

38 Answer Watch: severe weather is possible/can happen
Warning: severe weather is happening near you

39 What should you do in severe weather?
400 What should you do in severe weather?

40 Answer Stay inside, get to a low spot, cover your head, listen for warnings, be prepared

41 How do meteorologists forecast weather?
500 How do meteorologists forecast weather?

42 Answer They use technology like Doppler Radar, satellites, computers, maps, weather balloons/planes.

43 This word means to predict the weather.
100 This word means to predict the weather.

44 Answer What is forecast?

45 This is a scientist who studies weather.
200 This is a scientist who studies weather.

46 What is a meteorologist?
Answer What is a meteorologist?

47 This word, when added to a cloud, means “rain”
300 This word, when added to a cloud, means “rain”

48 Answer What is nimbus?

49 Weather that happens suddenly and can be dangerous.
400 Weather that happens suddenly and can be dangerous.

50 Answers What is severe weather?

51 500 Large balls of precipitation that are frozen again and again as they are pushed back into the clouds.

52 Answer What is hail?

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