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Winning Rubber Tactics

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1 Winning Rubber Tactics

2 The Rules First to 100 points below the line makes a game
Bonuses (aside from raw trick score), and scores for setting contracts go above the line Making a game makes your side vulnerable The first to make two games wins the rubber (and associated bonus) 700 points 2 games to 0 500 points 2 games to 1

3 Key Observations Vulnerable v Vulnerable, making a game is worth appx 500 Otherwise, making a game is worth 350 Partscores are estimated to be appx 1/3 of game value

4 Bid a Relatively Safe Game Bid a Partscore (or 50% slam)
Bid a 40% Game Early Bid a Good Partscore Bid a Relatively Safe Game Bid a Partscore (or 50% slam) Compete via LOTT

5 Strategies Bidding Tactics Are Based on Vulnerability & Score
Ensure Plus Scores Avoid Overbidding when opps have a partscore on (just let them convert their game) Slam Bidding can be friskier with a partscore on your side Bid Games Aggressively (slightly less so w/ partscore on) Compete by the LOTT in partscore auctions Safety Plays (i.e. Don’t Worry About Overtricks)

6 Bidding Games Bid Games that are appx 40% + to make
Invite Aggressively, Accept Normally With a partscore on, it’s acceptable to underbid This safely converts your game It’s common to make 2/1 responses on meager values and pass partner’s responses! Open light w/ strong suit (more useful for partscore)

7 Bidding Methods One can play their current method(s) and still fair well in rubber bridge It’s recommended to use 2/1 initially, then SAYC with a partscore on 2/1 is terrible for partscore bidding A Strong Club Method can be helpful in either setting At the cost of possible preemption after the 1C opening

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