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Presentation on theme: "Wind."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wind

2 The horizontal movement of air due to diff. in air pressure.

3 Wind happens b/c: The land & water heat/ cool at different rates. This makes air above each have a different temperature & pressure.


5 Air does not like these differences so it moves to even them out.

6 1. from high to low pressure
Generally air moves: 1. from high to low pressure

7 The greater the diff., the stronger the wind

8 2. from the Equator to the Poles b/c the warm air rises making room for the cooler air to move in.

9 3. In curved global wind belts b/c Earth is spinning (Coriolis Effect)

10 The global wind belts are:
Polar Easterlies Prevailing Westerlies Trade winds

11 Inbetween the wind belts are areas of little wind called pressure belts, called:
-Doldrums -Horse latitudes

12 It moves weather/clouds Mixes the atm. Distributes heat.
Wind is important b/c It moves weather/clouds Mixes the atm. Distributes heat.

13 The cool, dense air sinks to the surface
It cools on its way to the poles The cool, dense air sinks to the surface Warm air near the equator rises & travels along the ground as wind until it warms again

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