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Vocabulary List #12 English IV.

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1 Vocabulary List #12 English IV

2 1. celestial (adjective) Of or related to the sky

3 2. chronic Lasting for a long time or recurring often; continuing
(adjective) Lasting for a long time or recurring often; continuing

4 3. clairvoyance (noun) The alleged power to see things not present to the senses

5 4. impartial (adjective) Not favoring one side more than the other

6 5. implausible (adjective) Not believable or acceptable

7 6. inadvertent (adjective) Accidental; unintentional

8 7. ponderous Very heavy; massive; unwieldy because of weight
(adjective) Very heavy; massive; unwieldy because of weight

9 8. pretentious Making an exaggerated show of dignity or importance
(adjective) Making an exaggerated show of dignity or importance

10 9. prodigious Wonderful; amazing; of a great size, power or extent
(adjective) Wonderful; amazing; of a great size, power or extent

11 10. profusion (noun) Great in quantity or amount

12 11. sycophant (noun) Someone who attempts to win favor through flattery of a superior; a “yes man”

13 12. tawdry (adjective) Cheap and gaudy; sleazy

14 13. vanguard The front or leading position in an army or movement
(noun) The front or leading position in an army or movement

15 14. vicarious (adjective) Shared in by imagined participation in another’s experience

16 15. vicissitude (noun) A sudden or unexpected change in one’s life

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