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P6 SPM 21 Jan 2017 C1.2 ROE – Staff Values Expectation practices and programmes Role model of TLC – Staff outcomes School improvement plan.

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Presentation on theme: "P6 SPM 21 Jan 2017 C1.2 ROE – Staff Values Expectation practices and programmes Role model of TLC – Staff outcomes School improvement plan."— Presentation transcript:

1 P6 SPM 21 Jan 2017 C1.2 ROE – Staff Values Expectation practices and programmes Role model of TLC – Staff outcomes School improvement plan

2 School Leaders Principal : Mrs Ong –Loh Jia Miin Vice-Principal: Mrs Lau Whee Sien ) Vice-Principal: Mdm Kitha Arumugam

3 P6 Level Yr Head, MMs, LMs and Teachers
Year Head (Upper Block) Mdm Nolita LM Mr Tang Chee Weng HOD English Language Ms Turina Mathematics Mr Peter Yeo SH Science Mrs Malvina Lie MT Ms Sewa Duu Jong CCE Mr Sahren

4 Vision The Garden where Diversity Blossoms Mission Together We Nurture For a Better Future

5 Cooperation A*Attitude Respect Effort leading to Success
VALUES Cooperation A*Attitude Respect Effort leading to Success

6 ST 1 : All Round Education
Student Outcomes Future Ready with Strong Fundamentals TLC Academic Excellence Character Excellence Life Skills (21st CC)

7 Student Outcomes Future Ready with Strong Fundamentals-TLC
Contributor Passionate Empathetic Leader Confident Responsible Thinker Reflective Innovative Future Ready Equip our children with knowledge and skills for life-long learning. Strong Fundamentals Inculcate sound values and character attributes that will develop the right attitude and build the desired competencies to help them to progress.

8 Learning Experiences: The Hi-5 Experience
Numeracy & Literacy Reflective and innovative thinking Intellectual ICT & Media Literacy Digital citizenry Technological Self and Cross cultural awareness Creative innovative expressive Art & Cultural Responsible decision making (others & environmentally centric) Independence & Resiliency Life Skills Self leadership – healthy holistic living Self efficacies – SEL for strong membership and ownership of community and environment Leadership Intellectual Technological Art & Cultural Leadership Life skills The Hi 5 experience aspires to provide an exciting and engaging schooling experience that is meaningful and relevant to our pupils. The Hi 5 experience provide different learning experiences that are essential to nurture a future ready child with strong fundamentals – TLC. The 5 experiences are identified through internal and external scan, and will guide our programme planning to bring our pupils through different learning experiences to develop the necessary knowledge, skills and competencies to become a TLC and continues on a journey of life long learning. Intellectual: provide fundamental numeracy and literacy skills , reflective thinking skills to continue on a life long journey of learning. Technological: essential ICT competency and confidence to harness ICT as a way of living Aesthetics: provide the inner strength of personal identity for appreciation of self and others culturally. Leadership: Self leadership to lead a healthy holistic lifestyle, developing efficacies in and to building strong relationship with others and the environment and nation through participation and contribution (membership and ownership) Life skills: developing competencies in responsible decision making, independency and resilience; values inculcation and character building

9 BLGPS Talent Development Programme
CCA Sports Performing Arts Cognitive Maths & Science Olympiad programme Competitions – IvP, DI, Learning Buffet Leadership Programme VANDA Programme

10 Multiple Pathways for all

11 Multiple Pathways PSLE University / Polytechnic JC/ Polytechnic
Integrated Programme A level IB Secondary School Express NA NT Specialised school Sports / Arts NUS High Crest / Spetra University / Polytechnic JC/ Polytechnic PSLE ITE/ Polytechnic University / Polytechnic ITE/ Polytechnic




15 Achievable Targets

16 Effort Attendance Attention A* Attitude

17 ffirmation



20 Preparing the children for PSLE Choice of secondary schools
PSLE related matters DSA Choice of secondary schools Open house



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