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Presentatie titel ‘Workshops Geometry’ Otjiwarongo, June 2016

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1 Presentatie titel ‘Workshops Geometry’ Otjiwarongo, June 2016
Geometry in the Junior Primary Presentatie titel Otjiwarongo, June 2016 Rotterdam, 00 januari 2007

2 Workshop 1 Fold your Cube!

3 Workshop 2 The Telephone game

4 Workshop 3 ‘Turn half-way-around’ art [dot-symmetry/block symmetry]

5 Workshop 4 Mirrors

6 Workshop 5 Create 2D and 3D shapes

7 Workshop 6 Location - positions and checklines

8 Workshop 7 Location – Route

9 Workshop 8 Geometric puzzles

10 Workshop 9 Geometric games, Bingo, Memory, Who am I?
Am I a 2D shape? Do I have four sides? Do I have parallel sides? Do I have six corners? etc.

11 Workshop 10 Tiling

12 Geometry is …. Exploration, Developing spatial awareness, Art, Games,
Puzzles, A way to look at the world around you, A way to describe the world around you, Communication, Fun, ………

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