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Medieval Theater By Leslie Ryan.

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Presentation on theme: "Medieval Theater By Leslie Ryan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Medieval Theater By Leslie Ryan

2 Time Period After the fall of the Roman Empire. 500 – 1200 A.D.
A period known as the ‘Dark Times’

3 Genres Of Plays Liturgical Drama Mystery Plays Morality Plays Farces

4 Theophilus of Adana Saint Theophilus made a deal with the devil so he could become a bishop for the church. Years after signing his contract with the devil he goes through great lengths to be free from the burden of the contract.

5 Vikings Ship born warriors and traders Time period 793-1066 A.D
Founded settlements in three Countries along the coast of Europe

6 Pageant Wagons Wagons that the Actors traveled around on.
Basically a stage on wheels.

7 Decline Due to a change in political and economic factors.
The Black Death- killed many people and society changed forever The Great Schism- people were divided by their religious beliefs

8 Resources

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