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1985 2012. System Integration & Wash Pad Design 1% Slope on Pad Shallow Trench Minimal underground water.

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Presentation on theme: "1985 2012. System Integration & Wash Pad Design 1% Slope on Pad Shallow Trench Minimal underground water."— Presentation transcript:

1 1985 2012

2 System Integration & Wash Pad Design

3 1% Slope on Pad Shallow Trench Minimal underground water

4 Get the solids out... Filter with the wash pad – Everything dissolves in water. – Settled solids go anaerobic causing odors – Settled solids in a separator or pit collect more TPH, Metals and COD making the disposal most costly. – Keep the solids from entering the system initially. – The less solids that enter the system, the less the user has to remove from the system. LESS MAINTENANCE AND COST!!!!! – Maintenance Instructions to the user is very important!!

5 Theory of Solids Separation Three Stage Separator – Capacity = 600 gallons

6 True to Life Solids Separation Three Stage Separator – Capacity = 60 gallons

7 True to Life Solids Separation Although these separators work there are problems with their use. Sight unseen If in ground, the removal of solids becomes difficult so it wont be done. They harbor biological growth

8 Pit Sizing, If you have to…. Application considerations – Ease of clean out – Solids volume considerations – Pit clean out tools – Flow rates

9 Logistics Where are you? – Freeze potential – Rain patterns – Clay or Sand Covered or uncovered wash pad Overflow to sanitary sewer or tank

10 What are you washing & washing off? Sand, clay, heavily organic soils Sanitary waste equipment or leachate Grass/HIPs Heavy grease/oil, solvents Fertilizer Tank wash outs

11 System Basics ó Gallons per minute ó Gallons per hour ó Gallons per day ó Hours per day demand ó Days per week demand ó Sanitary sewer availability ó Discharge or recycle

12 Analyze the Condition ó Solids content ó Free oil ó Emulsified oils ó BOD/COD loading ó Heavy Metals ó Detergents & Cleaners

13 System Design Driven By ó Type of Application ó Budget restraints ó Available space ó Treated water goal ó Disposal options ó Maintenance demand

14 Site Evaluation Form Its about communication Its about buy-in (Customer Commitment) The beginning of the installation history Good planning Project guide Making the form do more for your project

15 Site Evaluation Form Electrical Requirements – Voltage 120, 208, 230, 460 – 1 or 3 phase – Amperage load Space Flow rates Usage level

16 Site Evaluation Form Chemicals – Lower water quality – Address application, now – Limit the number of chemicals used – Some uses may be eliminated Save money with conservation Discuss & note expected frequency of system cleaning and maintenance

17 Site Evaluation Form Learn from previous projects Take your time with this step Take digital photos Typically this is rushed or skipped

18 Was Pad Design and Applications

19 Typical Side Trench Wash Pad


21 Typical Heavy Equipment Wash Pad

22 Above Ground Wash Pads n 9 x 18 n 18 x 18 n Custom

23 Above Ground Wash Pad with WashMaster


25 Automobile Washing WATCH OUT FOR ME!!!

26 Golf Course


28 Mining Camp Bio-Sorb

29 Marinas


31 Heavy Equipment Rental Look for large volumes of solids /Chem – Design the wash pad to filter the solids – Look for chemicals that are used to keep equipment clean during the rental period – Look at each location and inquire about where the equipment is being rented to

32 Heavy Equipment Rental


34 Heavy Equipment De-mucking System

35 Solid Waste Look for large volumes of solids /Chem – Design the wash pad to filter the solids and floatable trash – Look for chemicals that are used to keep equipment clean – Heavy Biological Loading

36 Solid Waste


38 Questions?

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