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Classification Biology Agriculture.

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1 Classification Biology Agriculture

2 6 Kingdoms Animalia Plantae Fungi Bacteria Archaea Protista 

3 Kingdom Protista Protozoa – one cell eukaryotes
Most are found in aquatic habitats Some thrive in moist soils They live in a: Symbiotic Relationship Independent Relationship

4 Kingdom Protista Protozoa Classified by the way they move.

5 Kingdom Archaea All monerans are prokaryotes
A group of single-celled microorganisms. They have no cell nucleus or any other membrane-bound organelles within their cells.

6 Kingdom Bacteria Bacteria have three basic shapes; 1. Rod

7 Kingdom Bacteria Bacteria have three basic shapes; 2. Corkscrew

8 Kingdom Bacteria Bacteria have three basic shapes; Growth 3. Spherical
Increase number rather then size

9 Kingdom Bacteria Beneficial bacteria Harmful bacteria
Majority of bacteria in the body are beneficial Intestinal tract is lined with millions of bacteria Harmful bacteria Many are Pathogens Pneumonia Diphtheria Leprosy Produce toxin that are harmful to the body.

10 Kingdom Bacteria Antibiotics
Chemicals that inhibit the growth of bacteria Penicillin – first antibiotic discovered from mold

11 Kingdom Fungi Fungi Non-motile Decomposers Do not photosynthesize

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