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Enabling and Improving the Use of Mobile e-Services

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Presentation on theme: "Enabling and Improving the Use of Mobile e-Services"— Presentation transcript:

1 Enabling and Improving the Use of Mobile e-Services
ETSI STF285 Final Public Workshop BenQ Mobile, Munich, Germany May 4-5, 2006 May 4-5, 2006 BenQ Mobile, Munich, Germany

2 Flexible coffee and convenience breaks BenQ Mobile, Munich, Germany
Agenda: Thursday, May 4 User Education and Setup Procedures 10:00- 10:30 Registration 10:30- 11:15 Introduction of ETSI and STF285 11:15- 12:30 Parallel sessions 12:30- 13:15 Lunch 13:15- 16:50 Parallel sessions 16:50- 17:00 Concluding remarks 19:00- 22:00 Dinner at Bavarian-style restaurant (self- expense) Flexible coffee and convenience breaks May 4-5, 2006 BenQ Mobile, Munich, Germany

3 Flexible coffee and convenience breaks BenQ Mobile, Munich, Germany
Agenda: Friday, May 5 Setup Procedures 09:00- 12:30 Setup Procedure session continued 12:30- 13:30 Lunch 13:30- 14:50 Setup Procedure session 14:50- 15:00 Concluding remarks and closure of the Workshop Flexible coffee and convenience breaks May 4-5, 2006 BenQ Mobile, Munich, Germany

4 ETSI Specialist Task Force 285
Bruno von Niman, ITS (vonniman consulting) Martin Böcker, Siemens/ BenQ Mobile Margareta Flygt, Sony Ericsson Michael Tate, BT (Pascale Parodi, Nokia) Pekka Ketola, Nokia Matthias Schneider- Hufschmidt, Siemens/ BenQ Mobile David Williams, Motorola (majire) May 4-5, 2006 BenQ Mobile, Munich, Germany

5 STF285: User Education and Set-up Procedures
Contracted experts representing Nokia, Siemens, Sony Ericsson and Independent consultants Takes into account previous work Open, result-oriented, pro-active work based on consensus All results agreed with key players in the industry ETSI Guides to be published in September 2006 May 4-5, 2006 BenQ Mobile, Munich, Germany

6 BenQ Mobile, Munich, Germany
STF 285: Scope Elaborate the previous work in two key areas: Set-up procedures User Education Provide guidelines on both areas in order to support device and service design: Support users in first-time device and service set up Support users in using features and services Principles identifying minimum quality standards Ensure a design-for-all approach (universal design) Outline solutions for ensuring access by the widest possible range of users May 4-5, 2006 BenQ Mobile, Munich, Germany

7 BenQ Mobile, Munich, Germany
Why standards? May 4-5, 2006 BenQ Mobile, Munich, Germany

8 BenQ Mobile, Munich, Germany
What is ETSI? A European standards organization Created in 1988 Officially recognized by the EU & EFTA Setting globally-applicable standards for Telecommunications, in general Radio communications, especially mobile Broadcasting, and Related topics Active in all areas of ICT Independent, non-profit organization Offering direct participation of all members 15,000+ publications available on-line, for free! May 4-5, 2006 BenQ Mobile, Munich, Germany

9 ETSI is… … the home of the GSM™ standards…
… and of a lot of others, e.g. ISDN, DECT, DAB, DVB … May 4-5, 2006 BenQ Mobile, Munich, Germany

10 The 3rd Generation Partnership Project BenQ Mobile, Munich, Germany
ETSI … a founding Partner in The 3rd Generation Partnership Project May 4-5, 2006 BenQ Mobile, Munich, Germany

11 BenQ Mobile, Munich, Germany
ETSI Membership Service Providers & Others 24% Manufacturers Users 51% 4% Administrations 8% Network Operators 13% May 4-5, 2006 BenQ Mobile, Munich, Germany

12 BenQ Mobile, Munich, Germany
Expectations from good standards? 1 (2) Market relevance demand by the market fulfilling market needs Timely provisioning of global networking global interworking global interoperability Basis for fair competition Market growth May 4-5, 2006 BenQ Mobile, Munich, Germany

13 BenQ Mobile, Munich, Germany
Expectations from good standards? 2 (2) Not too detailed, but unambiguous Detailed enough in order to allow for multi-vendor operation Modular structure preferred Clearly defined interfaces Technology independence Easily and fast adaptable to new technology Usable in different networks May 4-5, 2006 BenQ Mobile, Munich, Germany

14 BenQ Mobile, Munich, Germany
Standardization is Load sharing Cost saving Close Co-operation of competitors Reduction of solutions to a minimum: preferably → one! Creation of a critical mass Bringing about economy of scale A fight against technical barriers to trade May 4-5, 2006 BenQ Mobile, Munich, Germany

15 BenQ Mobile, Munich, Germany
ETSI TC Human Factors Responsible for human factors issues in all areas of telecommunications and ICT Responsibility to ensure ETSI takes account of the needs of all users- generic, older, young, disabled, etc. Produces standards, guidelines and reports that set the criteria necessary to ensure the best possible user experience Chairman: Stephen Furner (BT, UK) Vice Chairmen: Bruno von Niman (ITS, Sweden) Lutz Groh (BenQ, Germany) May 4-5, 2006 BenQ Mobile, Munich, Germany

16 TC HF Major activities/deliverables
New wave technologies Children’s use of ICT Telecare Real time communications Fixed mobile convergence Minimum HCI for mobiles User profiles Enterprise wide systems Accessibility and inclusion Textphone access to IP text services Symbols for access to digital TV Multicultural interfaces Deliverables Around 100 deliverables published so far by ETSI human factors committees Project Teams/STFs 31 have completed work to date; 5 are in preparation; more on the way! May 4-5, 2006 BenQ Mobile, Munich, Germany

17 ETSI HF Specialist Task Forces
- Requirements for assistive technology devices in ICT - Generic spoken command vocabulary for ICT devices and services - Guidelines on the multimodality of icons, symbols and pictograms - Guidelines for ICT products and services: Design for All - Access to ICT by children; Issues and guidelines - Alphanumeric characters in European languages: sorting orders and assignment to the 12-key telephone keypad - Human Factors of work in call centers - Multimodal interaction, communication and navigation - Maximizing the usability of UCI based systems - Guidelines for generic UI elements of mobile terminals and services - Telecare in and outside of intelligent homes - User profile management - Guidelines for the design and use of ICT by children Duplex universal speech and text communication Multicultural aspects of ICT Etc. May 4-5, 2006 BenQ Mobile, Munich, Germany 2

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