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Point 5. Joint activities with UNODC : Plans for a joint data collection system Doc.CR/WG2011/4 Working Group on Crime Statistics 9-10 June 2011.

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1 Point 5. Joint activities with UNODC : Plans for a joint data collection system Doc.CR/WG2011/4
Working Group on Crime Statistics 9-10 June 2011

2 Characteristics of Eurostat and UNODC data collections
Coverage Eurostat = EU, EFTA, candidate & potential candidate countries, others (Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, Russia, USA, South Africa, etc.) UNODC = whole world Collection method Eurostat contact points UNODC through foreign ministries, then varying procedures Differing crime types Periodicity now annual (for both) Both collect ‘additional’ crime types UNODC have wider coverage of justice system Working Group on Crime Statistics 9-10 June 2011

3 Why a joint data collection
Advantages of a joint collection Save resources of Member States, Eurostat and UNODC Identical figures eliminate confusion over definitions and sources Crime classification system A common language for transmitting data Member States transcode national data into international system Possibility to collect more data and more detailed breakdowns, without additional effort Working Group on Crime Statistics 9-10 June 2011

4 Comparison of data series
Analysis of selected crime variables Working Group on Crime Statistics 9-10 June 2011

5 What data to be collected Alignment of definitions
Issues to be resolved What data to be collected Alignment of definitions How to handle existing time series How the data is collected Data validation procedure Timing of joint exercise Publication arrangements Legal ownership of data Working Group on Crime Statistics 9-10 June 2011

6 Proposed procedure By end of 2011, agreement on variables to be included, with corresponding definitions Early 2012, development of common data series Mid-2012, consultation of Eurostat Working Group on the above Late 2012, common data series to be finalised By end 2012, data request to countries reference year 2011 (by Eurostat?) Early 2013, data validation (by Eurostat?) Mid-2013, publication of data (by both Eurostat and UNODC?) Working Group on Crime Statistics 9-10 June 2011

7 Questions to the Working Group
Should there be a task force? What would be its mandate? Choice of variables? Definitions? (Taking account of crime classification?) Construction of common data series? Working Group on Crime Statistics 9-10 June 2011

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