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SAT List #10 5 on front, 5 on back- space out!

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1 SAT List #10 5 on front, 5 on back- space out!
fallow fathom fecund fetid frugal gambol garish garrulous giddy gregarious

2 1. The farmer let the land stay fallow so that the soil would become richer for next year’s crop.
(n) Ground that is plowed but left idle to replenish 2. It was hard to fathom that the murderer could be so cruel as to kill a child. (n) to grasp, understand, comprehend 3. Bunnies are known for their fecund abilities. Children have fecund imaginations. (adj) fruitful in offspring/vegetation; intellectually productive or inventive

3 Gambol = Weeeeee! 4. In The Things They Carried, Tim O’Brien recalls being stuck in a fetid swamp filled with human feces. (adj) Having an offensive smell; foul-smelling 5. Many people are more frugal now due to the recession. (adj) Not wasteful; careful with money 6. The children decided to happily gambol through the meadow of flowers. (v) To run and skip playfully; to frolic

4 Garrulous student? 7. The sleazy man wore a garish outfit of a bright blue blazer with purple pants and heavy gold jewelry. (adj) to be overly showy; ostentatious; colorful to the point of bad taste 8. The garrulous boy was constantly reprimanded by the teacher for disrupting others. (adj) Excessively or tiresomely talkative; loquacious

5 9. Sarah felt giddy when her crush presented her with roses on Valentine’s Day.
(adj) to be lighthearted and happy; to be dizzy 10. The gregarious girl was the life of the party wherever she went. (adj) one who enjoys being in crowds and socializing, sociable

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