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Unit 6 Quiz: Review questions

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1 Unit 6 Quiz: Review questions

2 Can you explain your answer?
Use your fingers to indicate your answer: 1=A, 2=B, 3=C, 4=D. After viewing the question, show me your answer in 15 seconds. Next, turn to your neighbor and you have one minute to convince him/her that you are right.

3 Some scholars found that secular countries (e. g
Some scholars found that secular countries (e.g. Netherlands, Germany) have a lower HIV rate and teenage pregnancy rate than religious nations (e.g. USA), and they concluded that religiosity is detrimental to national well-being. This example is: Above-average fallacy. Ecological fallacy: infer from summary- level data to individuals. Leaping from correlation to causation Both B and C.

4 In the equation y = a + bx, what is a?
intercept constant Starting point All of the above

5 In the equation y = a + bx, what is b?
Slope Regression coefficient Beta weight All of the above

6 How can we get the best fit line in a regression model?
Rise/Run Run/rise The least sum of squared residuals. The least parameter estimates

7 What is R-square? Variance explained Strength of determination
Coefficient explained A and B

8 What is the possible range of R-square?
-1 to 1 1 to 10 0 to 1

9 Which of the following statements is/are true?
In correlation there is no distinction between DV and IV, or cause and effect. Regression of Y by X is not the same as regression of X by Y. Rise /run is the same as run/rise. A and B

10 Which of the following statements is true?
Because regression is a linear model, we can say that ina positive relationship whenever X goes up, Y increases. Regression means falling back or going down. Tall parents might have short children and short parents might have tall children. All of the above

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