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Fred Heutte, Chair Environmental Data Working Group August 17, 2016

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1 Fred Heutte, Chair Environmental Data Working Group August 17, 2016
EDWG Update Fred Heutte, Chair Environmental Data Working Group August 17, 2016 Western Electricity Coordinating Council

2 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
July 22 EDWG Meeting Key Topics Golden Eagle/APLIC Environmental Data updates Cultural Data Viewer and Survey Argonne National Labs - EZMT California RETI 2.0 EDWG Outreach Plan – 2-page Fact Sheet adopted Western Electricity Coordinating Council

3 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Golden Eagle / APLIC Avian Power Line Interaction Committee Mike Best, PG&E, APLIC chair Sherry Liguori, Rocky Mountain Power, previous APLIC chair APLIC formed 1989, Short courses /workshops Guidance documents Provides research funding Western Electricity Coordinating Council

4 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Golden Eagle / APLIC Golden Eagle and transmission Avian protection plans contribute directly to reliability Electrocutions not generally an issue for transmission > 161 kV Industry moving from nesting prevention (ineffective) to ‘bird safe’ construction, operation and protection GIS data helpful for survey, ‘hot spots’ for maintenance, new corridor and line siting Western Electricity Coordinating Council

5 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
EDWG Data Review Annual review of EDWG Preferred Data Sets 108 active data sets 48 updated this year Assistance on obtaining new Alberta data from Dean Chartier (AESO) Exploring update of critical habitat data (CHAT, Nature Serve) Continuing to work with SHPOs for state cultural data Western Electricity Coordinating Council

6 EDWG Survey Activities
1 Data Viewer – user beta testing – no functionality issues 2 EDWG Stakeholder Survey Interest in new data layers: Existing energy infrastructure (e.g., pipelines, well pads) Greater Sage-Grouse priority/general habitat and leks Viewshed issues (sensitive viewsheds such as parks and scenic areas) Population density data (not census data) / residential zones / growth boundary zones Airports Visual Resource Management data (BLM/US Forest Service) Land ownership and land use Archaeological sensitivity zones (Predictive Modeling) Western Electricity Coordinating Council

7 EDWG Cultural Data Viewer
Ready to go live . . . Cultural Data Viewer = EDWG Data Viewer + cultural data + simple login process (helps track usage) Cultural data can be sensitive and requires masking and aggregation Data access provided through data sharing agreements with State Historic Preservation Offices (SHPOs) Available cultural data -- mostly from project survey work, typically < 5% of an area, often < 1% Valuable in addressing cultural risks early in transmission project development May add predictive data for cultural presence/absence in future Western Electricity Coordinating Council

8 BLM Sec 368 Corridor Assessment
WECC is coordinating with BLM on Section 368 Energy Corridor assessment Corridors for oil/gas/hydrogen pipelines and electric transmission/distribution (Sec. 368, Energy Policy Act of 2005) Three year project cycle, 8 BLM subregions, Region 1 underway (western AZ, southwest NV, desert CA) Jim Gazewood – BLM project manager and EDWG member BLM ROW update: corridors, avoidance, exclusion New sage grouse data – first areas by January BLM Wind Mapper available September WECC engaging in Sec 368 Region 1 study assessment (2016 Study Program) Western Electricity Coordinating Council

9 BLM Sec 368 Corridor Assessment
Western Electricity Coordinating Council

10 ANL Energy Zones Mapping Tool
Developed for the Eastern Interconnection States’ Planning Council (EISPC) by: Argonne National Laboratory (Project Lead) Oak Ridge National Laboratory National Renewable Energy Laboratory Sandia National Laboratories (energy-water enhancements) Demo by Jim Kuiper and Vladimir Koritarov, ANL November 2015 decision to expand to full US – cooperation opportunity Give it a test ride! Western Electricity Coordinating Council

11 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
RETI 2.0 Renewable Energy Transmission Initiative 2.0 (California) Managed by California Natural Resources Agency and other state energy and environmental agencies Studying options for implementing California 50% RPS by 2030 Phase I (November 2016) California focus Phase II (2017) Joint assessment with western states and provinces Combined transmission, renewable resource, land use and habitat assessment Databasin GIS/collaboration platform -- Western Electricity Coordinating Council

12 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
RETI 2.0 Environment and Land Use Technical Group (July 22 EDWG presentation by Scott Flint, CEC and Jim Strickholt, Conservation Biology Institute/Databasin) Transmission Technical Group Agency leadership update Monday, August 15 Western Outreach Project – Tom Carr, WIEB August 12, Portland September 1, Las Vegas Launch Phase 2 regionwide assessment early 2017 Using EDWG data in Databasin Opportunity for collaboration (WECC 2017 Study Program) Western Electricity Coordinating Council

13 EDWG 2-page fact sheet - adopted
Will be available on EDWG committee site and today’s SPSG meeting page Western Electricity Coordinating Council

14 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
EDWG 2016 EDWG membership list with 2-year rotation submitted to SPSG Chair EDWG vice-chair recommendation also submitted – Daly Edmunds, Audubon Rockies and SPSG New EDWG member: Rod Fisher, Rocky Mountain Power next meeting: October 7, Portland, Renewable Northwest office (if approved) EDWG Contacts Fred Heutte, EDWG chair NW Energy Coalition Jon Jensen, WECC staff Western Electricity Coordinating Council

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