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SCORE Funding Calculations

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1 SCORE Funding Calculations
For The liability and workers’ compensation programs FY 2016/17 SCORE Board Meeting Presentation, April 1, 2016

2 Purpose Explain how the Liability and Workers’ Compensation (WC)
funding is calculated per the Master Plan Documents for each Program

3 Outline Exposure Base – “Projected Payroll”
GL – funding and Ex Mod calculations WC – funding and Ex Mod calculations

4 Exposure Base For BOTH Programs = Projected Payroll
SCORE has traditionally used the DE9 payroll for the most recent calendar year and added an inflation factor of 3%. For FY 2016/17 payroll we use 2015 Calendar Year Payroll adjusted 3% for inflation (CYPa). See Column B in Both Funding Spreadsheets A B Formula/Allocation CY 2015 x Inflation Factor (CYPa) MEMBER ENTITY CY 2015 with Inflation Factor (CYPa) Rate/Amount 1.03 Biggs $391,965 Colfax $458,398 Dunsmuir $501,535 Etna $382,228 Fort Jones $316,012 Isleton $216,217

5 Liability Funding- Banking Layer ($0 to $25,000)
Banking Layer – we multiply the Projected Payroll/$100 times the Rate per $100 of payroll at the 70% Confidence Level (CL) as calculated by the actuary ($1.44 for FY 16/17). See Column C in the Funding Spreadsheet – (CYPa/$100) x Rate A B C Formula/Allocation CYP 2015 x Inflation Factor (CYPa) (CYPa/$100) x Rate MEMBER ENTITY CY 2015 with Inflation Factor (CYPa) BANKING LAYER at 70% CL Rate/Amount 1.03 $1.44 Biggs $391,965 $5,644 Colfax $458,398 $6,601

6 Liability Funding – Shared Layer ($25,001 to $500,000)
Shared Layer – we multiply the Projected Payroll/$100 times the Rate per $100 of payroll at the 70% Confidence Level (CL) as calculated by the actuary ($2.18 for FY 16/17) Times the Member’s Experience Modification Factor (Ex Mod) to obtain the Unadjusted Shared Layer Funding. See columns D, E & F A D E F Formula/Allocation (CYPa/$100) x Rate Member RLR x Member Cred + (1-Member Cred) Shared Layer x Ex Mod MEMBER ENTITY SHARED LAYER at 70% CL $25,001 to $500,000 EX MOD UNADJUSTED SHARED LAYER Rate/Amount $2.18 Calculation Biggs $8,545 0.93 $7,989 Colfax $9,993 0.96 $9,570 Dunsmuir $10,933 1.47 $16,037

7 Liability Funding – Ex Mod Calculation Refer to Liability Experience Modification Calculation Spreadsheet Divide member losses for last five complete years, capped at $50,000, by the corresponding member payroll to obtain the Member’s Loss Rate (LR). Column P Divide the Member Loss Rate by the total SCORE Loss Rate ($1.82) to obtain the Relative Loss Rate (RLR) for member. Column Q Multiply the Relative Loss Rate (Q) by a Credibility Factor - See next page P Q (Total Member Losses/ Total Member Payroll) X 100 Member LR/ Total Pool LR Member Loss Rate Per $100 Payroll (LR) Relative Loss Rate (RLR) MEMBER ENTITY Biggs $0.56 0.31 Colfax $1.10 0.61 Grand Total SCORE $1.82 $1.00

8 Relative Loss Rate (RLR) Credibility Factor (Cred)
Liability Funding – Credibility Factor Refer to Liability Experience Modification Calculation Spreadsheet Multiply the Relative Loss Rate (Q) by a Credibility Factor (S) Credibility Factor = Member Payroll/ (Member Payroll + Largest member Payroll) Susanville at $3,784,518 payroll is largest Ex Mod = Member Relative Loss Rate x Member Credibility Factor + (One - Member Credibility Factor) Q R S T Member LR/Total Pool LR CY 2015 x 1.03 Inflation Factor CYPa/(CYPa + Largest Member Payroll) Member RLR x Member Cred + (1- Member Cred) MEMBER ENTITY Relative Loss Rate (RLR) CY 2015 with Inflation Factor (CYPa) Credibility Factor (Cred) Ex Mod Biggs 0.31 $391,965 9.39% 0.93 Colfax 0.61 $458,398 10.80% 0.96 Susanville 0.57 $3,784,518 50.0% 0.78 Grand Total $1.82 $20,569,511 1.00

9 Liability Funding – Adjusted Shared Layer
Shared Layer x Ex Mod = Unadjusted Shared Layer. Column F Total unadjusted funding does not balance with original funding total ($427,475 v. $448,415). To balance the amount the Unadjusted Shared Layer is divided by a Weighted Ex Mod Weighted Ex Mod = unadjusted shared layer/shared layer = Adjusted Shared Layer = SL x Ex Mod/Total Weighted Ex Mod. Column G Adjusted Shared Layer balances with the original funding amount per actuary A F G Formula/Allocation Shared Layer x Ex Mod SL x EX Mod/ (Tot. Weighted Ex Mod) MEMBER ENTITY UNADJUSTED SHARED LAYER ADJUSTED SHARED LAYER* Rate/Amount Calculation Biggs $7,989 $8,380 Colfax $9,570 $10,039 Dunsmuir $16,037 $16,823 Grand Total $427,475 $448,415

10 Liability Funding – Excess Layer ($500,001 to $40 million) CJPRMA Premium
The cost of excess coverage shall be charged to each “Participating Member” in the same proportion as the projected payroll is to the total payroll. Member share of total payroll (% Payroll) in Column R. Total CJPRMA Premium = $127,592 Charged to members based on % Payroll (H) CJPRMA Refund = $37,310 Credited to members based on % Payroll (I), per Board direction H I R Formula/Allocation Premium x (Member CYPa/Total Pool CYPa) Refund x (Member CYPa/Total Pool CYPa) (Member CYPa/Total Pool CYPa) MEMBER ENTITY EXCESS LAYER $500k TO $40M CJPRMA PREMIUM CJPRMA REFUND % Payroll Rate/Amount $127,592 $37,310 Biggs $2,431 $711 1.91% Colfax $2,843 $831 2.23%

11 CSAC/CPIEA Pollution Coverage
Charged to each “Participating Member” in the same proportion as the projected payroll is to the total payroll. Not all members participate Total CSAC/CPIE Premium = $6,614 Total participating member payroll = $16,699,057 Premium converted to rate per $100 of payroll ($6,614/$16,699,057) x 100 = $ Charged to members based on Payroll x Rate (J) J Formula/Allocation (CYPa/100) x Rate MEMBER ENTITY CSAC/CPIEA Pollution Coverage Rate/Amount $ Biggs $155 Colfax $182

12 Liability Funding – Administrative Expenses
Multiply fifty (50) percent of the Admin Expenses by Member projected payroll divided by the total projected payroll of all Members, Column L; plus A share of the remaining “Administrative Expenses” that is equal among all the members. Column K 18 total members Total Admin is shown in Column M K L M R Formula/Allocation (Total Admin/2)/ Number of Members (Total Admin/2)/ (Member CYPa/Total Pool CYPa) MEMBER ENTITY 50% ADMIN FIXED EXPENSE 50% ADMIN % PAYROLL Proposed FY 16-17 Admin Total % Payroll Rate/Amount $240,000 $480,000 Biggs $13,333 $4,573 $17,907 1.91% Colfax $5,348 $18,682 2.23%

13 Liability Funding – Total & Comparison
Banking, Shared, Excess, Pollution and Admin Expenses are totaled in Column N Comparison to FY funding In Columns (O), (P), and (Q) N O P Q MEMBER ENTITY Proposed FY TOTAL FINAL DEPOSIT FY TOTAL DEPOSIT $ Change Overall % Change Overall Rate/Amount Biggs $33,807 $33,516 $291 0.87% Colfax $37,515 $36,036 $1,479 4.11% Dunsmuir $45,630 $51,532 ($5,902) -11.45%

14 WC Funding – Mini-Cities Pool
A T U MEMBER ENTITY % Payroll % Total MC Payroll Rate/Amount Dunsmuir 2.5% Isleton (does not participate) N/A Live Oak 6.5% Mt. Shasta 8.9% Shasta Lake 17.4% Susanville 18.6% Weed 7.8% Yreka 14.3% Subtotal Members 75.9% Biggs 1.9% 8.0% Colfax 2.3% 9.4% Etna Fort Jones 1.6% Loomis 3.7% 15.5% Loyalton 0.7% 2.9% Montague 6.8% Portola 15.2% Rio Dell 4.9% 20.6% Tulelake 1.8% 7.4% Subtotal Mini Cities 24.1% 100.0% For purposes of Funding, such “Mini-Cities” pool shall be treated as if it were a single “Participating Member”. “Deposit Premiums” for the “Mini-Cities” pool shall be distributed to its members in the proportion the member’s payroll is to the total payroll of all the members of the “Mini-Cities” pool. See Column (T) for Member % of Total Payroll See Column (U) For Mini-Cities Members % of Mini-Cities Pool Total Payroll

15 WC Funding- Banking Layer ($0 to $25,000)
Banking Layer – we multiply the Projected Payroll/$100 times the Rate per $100 of payroll at the 70% Confidence Level (CL) as calculated by the actuary ($1.56 for FY 16/17). See Column C in the Funding Spreadsheet – (CYPa/$100) x Rate A B C Formula/Allocation CY 2015 with 3% Inflation Factor (CYPa) (CYPa/$100) x Rate MEMBER ENTITY CY 2015 with Inflation Factor (CYPa) BANKING LAYER (BL) $0 to $25K Rate/Amount 1.03 $1.56 Dunsmuir $501,483 $7,823 Subtotal Members $15,457,669 $241,140 Biggs $391,965 $6,115 Subtotal Mini Cities $4,895,573 $76,371 Grand Total $20,353,242 $317,511

16 WC Funding – Shared Layer ($25,001 to $250,000)
Shared Layer – we multiply the Projected Payroll/$100 times the Rate per $100 of payroll at the 70% Confidence Level (CL) as calculated by the actuary ($3.534 for FY 16/17) Times the Member’s Experience Modification Factor (Ex Mod) to obtain the Unadjusted Shared Layer Funding. See columns D, E & F (B) x (D) x (E) = (F) A B D E F Formula/Allocation CY 2015 with 3% Inflation Factor (CYPa) (CYPa/$100) x Rate Member RLR x Member Cred + (1-member Cred) Shared Layer x Ex Mod MEMBER ENTITY CY 2015 with Inflation Factor (CYPa) SHARED LAYER (SL) $25K to $250K EX MOD UNADJUSTED SHARED LAYER Rate/Amount 1.03 $3.534 Calc Yreka $2,912,180 $102,916 0.98 $100,549 Subtotal Members $15,457,669 $546,274 0.94 $513,053 Biggs $391,965 $13,852 1.22 $16,847 Subtotal Mini Cities $4,895,573 $173,010 $210,415 Grand Total $20,353,242 $719,284 1.00 $723,468

17 WC Funding – Ex Mod Calculation Refer to WC Experience Modification Calculation Spreadsheet
Divide member losses for last four complete years, less salary continuation, capped at $50,000, by the corresponding member payroll to obtain the Member’s Loss Rate. (Column N) Divide the Member Loss Rate by the total SCORE Loss Rate = Relative Loss Rate for member (Column O) Multiply the Relative Loss Rate (O) by a Credibility Factor – See next page N O FORMULA Total Member losses/Total Member Payroll Member LR/Total Pool LR MEMBER ENTITY Loss Rate Per $100 (LR) Relative Loss Rate Per $100 (RLR) Dunsmuir $2.36 $1.05 Yreka $2.12 $0.94 Subtotal Members $1.96 $0.87 Biggs $0.04 $0.02 Colfax $0.07 $0.03 Subtotal Mini Cities $3.23 $1.43 Grand Total $2.26 $1.00

18 Member RLR x Member Cred + (1-member Cred) Credibility Factor (Cred)
WC Funding – Credibility Factor Refer to WC Experience Modification Calculation Spreadsheet Multiply the Relative Loss Rate (O) by a Credibility Factor (Q) Credibility Factor = Member Payroll/ (Member Payroll + Largest member Payroll) Mini Cities at $4,895,572 payroll is largest Ex Mod = Member Relative Loss Rate x Member Credibility Factor + (One - Member Credibility Factor) See Column R O P Q R FORMULA Member LR/Total Pool LR CY 2015 Payroll x 3% Inflation Factor CYPa/(CYPa+largest member payroll) Member RLR x Member Cred + (1-member Cred) MEMBER ENTITY Relative Loss Rate Per $100 (RLR) CY 2015 with Inflation Factor (CYPa) Credibility Factor (Cred) Ex MOD 1.03 Dunsmuir $1.05 $501,483 0.09 1.00 Yreka $0.94 $2,912,180 0.37 0.98 Subtotal Members $0.87 $15,457,669 0.76 0.90 Biggs $0.02 $391,965 0.07 1.22 Colfax $0.03 $458,398 Subtotal Mini Cities $1.43 $4,895,572 0.50 Grand Total $1.00 $20,353,241 0.81

19 WC Funding – Adjusted Shared Layer
Shared Layer x Ex Mod = Unadjusted Shared Layer. Column F Total unadjusted funding does not balance with original funding total ($723,468 v. $719,284). To balance the amount the Unadjusted Shared Layer is divided by a Weighted Ex Mod Weighted Ex Mod = unadjusted shared layer/shared layer = Adjusted Shared Layer = SL x Ex Mod/Total Weighted Ex Mod. Column G Adjusted Shared Layer balances with the original funding amount per actuary A F G Formula/Allocation Shared Layer x Ex Mod SL x EX Mod/ Total Weighted Ex Mod MEMBER ENTITY UNADJUSTED SHARED LAYER ADJUSTED SHARED LAYER* Rate/Amount Calculation Dunsmuir $17,798 $17,695 Subtotal Members $513,053 $510,086 Biggs $16,847 $16,749 Subtotal Mini Cities $210,415 $209,198 Grand Total $723,468 $719,284

20 WC Funding – Excess Layer ($250,000 to Statutory Limit) LAWCX Premium
The cost of excess coverage shall be charged to each “Participating Member” in the same proportion as the projected payroll is to the total payroll. Total LAWCX Premium = $246,511 (Column H) Charged to members based on % Payroll LAWCX Assessment = $15,902, estimated (Column J) per Board direction A H J Formula/Allocation Premium x (Member CYPa/Total Pool CYPa) Assessment x (Member CYPa/Total Pool CYPa) MEMBER ENTITY EXCESS LAYER $250K TO STATUTORY LIMIT LAWCX PREMIUM LAWCX ASSESMENT Rate/Amount $246,511 $15,902 Dunsmuir $6,074 $456 Yreka $35,271 $2,464 Subtotal Members $187,218 $14,076 Biggs $4,747 $313 Tulelake $4,358 $254 Subtotal Mini Cities $59,293 $1,826 Grand Total

21 WC Funding – Administrative Expenses
Multiply fifty (50) percent of the Admin Expenses by Member projected payroll divided by the total projected payroll of all Members, Column L; plus A share of the remaining “Administrative Expenses” that is equal among all the members. Column K 8 total members Total Admin is shown in Column M A K L N Formula/Allocation (Total Admin/2)/ Number of Members (Total Admin/2)/ (Member CYPa/Total Pool CYPa)  (K) + (L) MEMBER ENTITY 50% ADMIN FIXED EXPENSE % PAYROLL Proposed Admin Total FY 16-17 Rate/Amount $185,000 $370,000 Dunsmuir $23,125 $4,558 $27,683 Yreka $26,470 $49,595 Subtotal Members $161,875 $140,502 $302,377 Biggs $2,313 $3,563 $5,875 Colfax $4,167 $6,479 Subtotal Mini Cities $44,498 $67,623 Grand Total

22 WC Funding – Total & Comparison
Banking, Shared, Excess, and Admin Expenses are totaled in Column (P) Comparison to FY funding In Columns (Q), (R), and (S) A P Q R S MEMBER ENTITY Proposed FY 16-17 TOTAL DEPOSIT Prior Year FY DEPOSIT $ Change Overall % Change Overall Rate/Amount Dunsmuir $59,731 $62,262 ($2,531) -4.1% Yreka $232,728 $255,617 ($22,889) -9.0% Subtotal Members $1,254,896 $1,292,610 ($37,714) -2.9% Biggs $33,800 $32,187 $1,613 5.0% Tulelake $31,185 $26,093 $5,092 19.5% Subtotal Mini Cities $414,312 $379,785 $34,527 9.1% Grand Total $1,669,207 $1,672,395 ($3,188) -0.2%

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