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Homeostasis in the Multicelled Organisms pp

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Presentation on theme: "Homeostasis in the Multicelled Organisms pp"— Presentation transcript:

1 Homeostasis in the Multicelled Organisms pp. 907-910

2 If cells have to be so small to maintain homeostasis, then how do complicated organisms like plants and animals survive?


4 HOMEOSTASIS Homeostasis in the human body is maintaining a stable internal environment Cells of the same type work together to do a specific job maintain homeostasis EX. Osmosis in an individual cell versus your kidneys to remove excess water from your blood to make urine

5 Levels of Organization
Cells  tissues organs  organ systems




9 Muscle: contract in coordination upon stimulation (skeletal, cardiac, smooth)

10 Nervous: receive and transmit information and signals (made of cells called neurons)

11 Epithelial: line surfaces of bodies, cavities, canals

12 Connective: cells surrounded by extra- cellular, non-living tissue called a matrix (bone, cartilage, tendons, blood)

13 ORGANS Tissues working together

14 BODY CAVITIES Spinal, cranial, thoracic, diaphragm, abdominal, pelvic
Know the locations in your body

15 ORGAN SYSTEMS Skeletal: protection and support
Muscular: support and movement Skeletal: protection and support

16 Circulatory: transport of gases, nutrients, waste, and chemicals throughout body
Respiratory: Gas exchange

17 Endocrine: controls body function via chemical messengers.
Nervous: regulates body via impulses

18 Digestive: breakdown and absorption of food
Excretory: removal of liquid and solid wastes

19 Reproductive: production of sex cells to make offspring
Immune: Fights pathogens and disease

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