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Tom and Jerry.

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1 Tom and Jerry

2 Tom and Jerry is an American animated series
Tom and Jerry is an American animated series. It has 162 parts and was shot between 1940 and It is the most successful series in the world. Tom is a cat, which constantly chasing the mouse Jerry. Company MGM made a movie, but not all series. Creators are Wiliam Hanna and Joseph Barbera

3 In some series are Tom and Jerry, but also grey mouse Tuffy, duckling, black cat Buch, two bulldogs Spite and Tike, their owner. In the first serie named – „How thrown the cat“, was recorded in the tenth of September 1940 , cat was named Jasper and mouse Jinx. In the second serie, they got their names Tom and Jerry. In 2005 was recoreded the film – „ Tom and Jerry Blast Off to Mars

4 Thank you for your attention

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