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Monday, May 14th Take your poster from the shelf.

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Presentation on theme: "Monday, May 14th Take your poster from the shelf."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday, May 14th Take your poster from the shelf.
Today we will resume making cause and effect posters for the Fall of the Roman Empire. Please don’t waste class time today. If class time is wasted the posters will be due at the end of class. I want to see some great posters  Fill in agenda with: Finish cause and effect posters for the Fall of the Roman Empire

2 Tuesday, May 15th Today we will take half the hour to finish our cause and effect Fall of Rome posters. Please have a plan on how you will present how you came up with your strategy on how to design your posters (1 to 2 minutes presentation) Fill in Agenda with: Finish Fall of Rome posters today Present posters

3 Wednesday, May 16th Today we will be doing a Rome simulation. So sit back relax and enjoy  Fill in agenda with: Rome Simulation

4 Thursday, May 17th Today we will finish our Rome Simulation activity.
Watch CNN 10 if time permits Fill in agenda with: Rome Simulation CNN 10 (if time permits)

5 Friday, May 18th

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