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District Science Grade 7 Unit

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1 District Science Grade 7 Unit 03 2017-2018

2 A sunlight B gravity C osmosis D water
1 In a germinating seed, the downward growth of roots and upward growth of leaves and stems are the plant's responses to — A sunlight B gravity C osmosis D water GO ON

3 I is negative to light, and III is positive to gravity.
2 The diagram illustrates a seed germinating. Many forces, including responses to moisture, light, temperature, and gravity are at work in this process. Which of the following correctly describes two of the seedling's responses to stimuli? I is negative to light, and III is positive to gravity. IV is negative to temperature, and II is negative to gravity. II is negative to light, and III is positive to gravity. J II is positive to gravity, and IV is positive to moisture. GO ON

4 3 Which part of the plant above demonstrates the greatest amount of turgor pressure?
Part A Part B Part C Part D GO ON

5 4 Which of the following graphics represents the hierarchy of living structure?

6 5 Plant root tips have a layer of cells that function together to grow rapidly to allow the plant to increase the plant’s ability to reach water and stabilize in the ground. Based on this information, what level of organization describes the plant root tips? Tissue Organ Organ system Organism

7 6 What level of organization within a plant is the structure below?
Organ system Tissue J Organism GO ON

8 7 Trees that grow in a forest tend to grow very tall, with few branches. The same species of tree grown in an open area tends to grow shorter and wider, with many branches. The stimulus responsible for these different growth patterns is the amount of — A wind striking the tree B light reaching the tree C nutrients in the soil D water in the ground GO ON

9 8 Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 J Student 4 GO ON

10 to the leaves and allow carbon dioxide in so that that process
9 Some plants have small holes called stomata on the underside of leaves. Stomata are opened to draw water up to the leaves and allow carbon dioxide in so that that process of photosynthesis can occur. During the process, some water is lost through the open stomata. Based on this information, what external stimulus is most likely to cause the stomata to close? Water volume increasing in the soil Water volume decreasing in the soil Carbon dioxide concentration increasing in the atmosphere Carbon dioxide concentration decreasing in the atmosphere GO ON

11 10 The passion flower, also called maypop, is a long vine that grows along fences and woods, producing ornate white and purple flowers in late spring and summer. These plants have tendrils — slender, coiling, modified stem structures — that serve the plant by — wrapping around a nearby object for support producing reproductive structures later in the growing season attracting insects which serve as pollinators J encouraging water and mineral transport to other parts of the plant Page 11 BE SURE YOU HAVE RECORDED ALL OF YOUR ANSWERS ON YOUR ANSWER DOCUMENT STOP

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