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Well hey there! Do you keep on-going anecdotal records? Have a ton of portfolios to add feedback to? Or perhaps it’s report card time. When you have to.

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Presentation on theme: "Well hey there! Do you keep on-going anecdotal records? Have a ton of portfolios to add feedback to? Or perhaps it’s report card time. When you have to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Well hey there! Do you keep on-going anecdotal records? Have a ton of portfolios to add feedback to? Or perhaps it’s report card time. When you have to come up with writing constructive and meaningful comments, in unique and creative ways, for every child in your class (or classes! Eek!) it can seem like a mammoth task! I know! Well, stress no more! The following list of positive comments is aligned with the language of the IB PYP and will help you to customise your comments for each child and highlight their strengths or need for improvements. Please do manipulate the comments to suit your needs and the feedback given. Feedback for students may look different from feedback for parents. And feedback BY students FOR students, will look different also. Yes, I have used this list as a tool for inclusive assessment with my class. I have organised the comments by the Approaches to Learning Skills and The Learner Profile. All the best with your assessment practices!

2 Approaches to Learning Skills
Self Management cooperates well with other group members sets an example of excellent behaviour and cooperation conducts herself/himself with maturity remains focused on the task in hand shows respect for class materials and the belongings of others Is polite to other group members responds appropriately when corrected resists distraction from others applies thoughtful application to all tasks manages his/her time efficiently and productively Social Skills follows classroom agreements is helpful and seeks solutions to problems cooperates consistently with the teacher and other staff members shares communal materials willingly takes turns with discussions and shares his/her ideas confidently understands the need for responsibility with group roles shows respect for teachers and peers deals with matters independently and positively seeks to be involved in collaborative group work Communication Skills speaks clearly and with purpose expresses ideas clearly, both in written work and verbally listens to the ideas of others without interrupting shares confidently in class and group discussions can make a logical and persuasive argument makes an effort to use new vocabulary writes clearly and with purpose has a vivid and creative imagination attempts accountable talk within discussions

3 Approaches to Learning Skills
Thinking Skills plans and sets achievable goals offers constructive suggestions to collaborative discussions has an acute sense of humour uses multiple strategies to solve a problem draws conclusions from evidence makes thoughtful connections between concepts and ideas responds insightfully to what has been discussed or read in class actively participates in homework activities exhibits responsibility for finding solutions Research Skills shares personal stories from home when they relate to our unit of study brings materials/artefacts into class to share, when they are connected with our unit enjoys conversations related to our unit of study seeks additional information independently reads extensively for further information draws conclusions from data and relates it to a problem or inquiry frequently connects concepts he/she finds in articles or online searches actively uses multiple sources to find information is self-motivated presents creative and accurate home projects

4 The Learner Profile Thinker: Principled Communicator Inquirer
shows initiative and seeks ways to be involved chooses words carefully and thoughtfully, both verbally and in writing plans and carries out activities methodically actively tries multiple strategies to solve a problem shows a keen interest in class topics and discussions enhances group discussions with insightful comments Principled shows integrity at all times diligently carries out classroom tasks follows directions and follows through to the end dependable and conscientious with all class activities and expectations actively seeks responsibilities Communicator joins in with community projects offers constructive suggestions when working with peers Is a gifted presenter and performer listens attentively to others’ responses has a keen interest in drama and dramatic presentations confidently participates in whole class and group discussions Inquirer maintains active curiosity throughout the day responds inquisitively to what has been read or discussed in class enjoys continuing the conversation with friends demonstrates a higher level with questioning skills offers insightful questions/comments displays keen observational skills

5 The Learner Profile Knowledgeable Caring Risk taker Balanced
readily grasps new concepts and strategies avoids careless mistakes with attention to detail provides background knowledge willingly ( about topics of interest to him/her) asks for clarification when required enjoys sharing what he/she has learned /personal opinions/experiences Caring often volunteers to help with classroom activities displays a community spirit by offering to assist peers and offering encouragement is thoughtful in his/her interactions with others is concerned with the feelings of others is concerned with his/her own progress and takes responsibility for their learning Risk taker shows initiative and actively seeks ways to be involved is not afraid to offer personal opinions that may go against the majority readily asks for help when it is required seeks new challenges can make a persuasive argument ( written and/or verbally) welcomes leadership roles Balanced enthusiastically takes various roles in group work helps to keep group focused on the task accepts and acts upon constructive criticism has many varied interests works democratically with peers/groups

6 The Learner Profile Open Minded Reflective
frequently presents the opposing view of the majority handles disagreements with peers openly and appropriately Is open to hearing feedback shows enthusiasm for all class activities exhibits a positive mindset and encourages others sees things from multiple perspectives and uses this in discussion ( written and verbal) has a natural sense of international mindedness Reflective works hard to reach his/her full potential sets achievable goals frequently refers back to concepts/ideas that we have learned is a self-motivated learner consistently checks work thoroughly uses his/her free time resourcefully makes connections to learning cleverly and thoughtfully accepts feedback from teachers and peers

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