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About CGD/ Getting Started

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1 About CGD/ Getting Started
1. The CGD homepage can be reached by going to The homepage has a number of important features News in CGD lists new features of he database and is regularly updated. The light green bar and white links found at the top of the page are navigational tools. The CGD provides the same navigation bar at the top of all of its pages to allow users to easily move between sections of the database.

2 The nine main sections, home, about, groups, tools, genome sequence, databases, resources, contact, mailing list The tutorials provides systematically explore each of the sections available through this main men, but are able to be done individually as well

3 2. Clicking on the “About” in the light green navigation bar
This page provides a basic description of the CGD project and what types of resources it makes available to the public users.

4 3. Clicking on the “Genome Sequences” in the navigation bar
After login This page provides the preliminary release of the cacao genome data and the hyperlinks to Gbrowse, BLAST and CMap.

5 4. Clicking on the “Resources” in the navigation bar
This page is a good resource for finding information not available on the CGD website. The page provided other related links for the cacao .

6 Clicking on ‘Tools’ in navigation bar
Using Tools Clicking on ‘Tools’ in navigation bar CAP3 Assembly Sever allows you to assemble a set of contiguous sequences (contigs) The number of SSRs and motif statistics for the project are covered. Also, links for downloading Excel sheets with ORFs, SSRs and primers are available. BLAST blast your sequences against the cacao genome v0.9 datasets. CMap is a very important mapping tool that allows comparisons between genetic and physical maps. The CMap section of the mapping resources is complex And has its own tutorial and help page. These can be Found listed at the top of the CMap page. Gbrowse is a combination database and interactive web page for manipulating and displaying annotationson genomes

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