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March Monthly Reflection

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1 March Monthly Reflection
By: Sam Alberico

2 My mentor and I This month my mentor and I met multiple times discussing many different things. We came up with a multitude of project ideas for my end of the year 8th grade project. I watched multiple videos on how to make scar tissue on any given picture. I took multiple pages of notes on these videos.

3 What I learned This month I learned many things in Adobe Photoshop.
My main focus this month was how to make a human face look scared, bruised, tired, etc. I will use these skills in my end of the year 8th grade project. I have also been doing many experiments on human faces, trying to make them look cut, bruised, scared, etc. I have been doing these things because of my final project, I am making an anti-drug campaign.

4 Goals for April My mentor and I have a list of goals that we wish to accomplish during the month of April. We wish to apply all of my Photoshop skills that I have acquired this year and use them on the main end of the year project. I will also continue learning the many skills that I have been learning throughout the year.

5 Pictures

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