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Gunita Jaunbauere FVS NDC Latvia

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1 Gunita Jaunbauere FVS NDC Latvia
Distribution, quantitative parameters and biological individuality of Culicoides species as vectors of Bluetongue in Latvia Gunita Jaunbauere FVS NDC Latvia

2 Bluetongue (BT) Viral disease of domestic and wild ruminants;
Virus of Orbivirus genus; Contains 24 serotypes; Infectious, none – contagious, not affect humans; Insect-transmitted (only Culicoides sp.).

3 Bluetongue (BT) In World history:
First described in 1881 as an epizootic catarrahal fever in sheep in India; transmission by Culicoides spp. not reported until 1944 and confirmed in 1963.

4 Bluetongue (BT) Can it reach Baltic region – Latvia?
In Europe in last decade: Mediterranean area, including Greece, Spain, Italy, Portugal and France; distributes from south to north. Can it reach Baltic region – Latvia?

5 Distibution of BT on 16 November 2007

6 Biting midges Culicoides sp.
Small flies, wings with light and dark pattern Over 1000 species around the world (only <20 Culicoides species can transmitt the BT virus) Culicoides sp. are found in wide variety of habitats

7 Latvia In 2007 have been strated three years project to determine the distribution, quantitative parameters and biological individuality of Culicoides species as vectors of Bluetongue in Latvia

8 Main tasks of project Set up and equip representative monitoring stations of midges; Describe composition of species and midges distribution in Latvia; Describe sezonality of virus vectors; Approbate methods of virus identification in midges population.

9 Situated 10 black light traps in 10 different livestocks
Done in 2007 Situated 10 black light traps in 10 different livestocks

10 Done in 2007 Midges have been collected from the traps one night per week; At the time there have been colected dates of climatical conditions (wind, temperature, precipitation); Collected midges have been sent to laboratory to count and identify.

11 1. Average numbers of all insects in samples
Results in Latvia 2007 1. Average numbers of all insects in samples

12 2. Divison of midges in vector complex and other Culicoides sp.
Results in Latvia 2007 2. Divison of midges in vector complex and other Culicoides sp.

13 3. Procentual division of midges in Latvia
Results in Latvia 2007 3. Procentual division of midges in Latvia

14 Thank You for attention

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