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Vocabulary from…. not stopping: not stopping: c.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary from…. not stopping: not stopping: c."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary from…

2 not stopping:

3 not stopping: c

4 not stopping: ce

5 not stopping: cea

6 not stopping: ceas

7 not stopping: cease

8 not stopping: ceasel

9 not stopping: ceasele

10 not stopping: ceaseles

11 not stopping: ceaseless

12 The rain that afternoon was ceaseless. What would you like to have be ceaseless?

13 friendly:

14 friendly: c

15 friendly: co

16 friendly: com

17 friendly: comp

18 friendly: compa

19 friendly: compan

20 friendly: compani

21 friendly: companio

22 friendly: companion

23 friendly: companiona

24 friendly: companionab

25 friendly: companionabl

26 friendly: companionable

27 Dog owners expect their dogs to be companionable. What characteristics does a companionable person have?

28 having no hope of happiness:

29 having no hope of happiness: d

30 having no hope of happiness: di

31 having no hope of happiness: dis

32 having no hope of happiness: disc

33 having no hope of happiness: disco

34 having no hope of happiness: discou

35 having no hope of happiness: discour

36 having no hope of happiness: discoura

37 having no hope of happiness: discourag

38 having no hope of happiness: discourage

39 having no hope of happiness: discouraged

40 The fish owner was discouraged after finding his fish floating. What things make you feel discouraged?

41 gloomy:

42 gloomy: d

43 gloomy: di

44 gloomy: dis

45 gloomy: dism

46 gloomy: disma

47 gloomy: dismal

48 gloomy: dismal, d

49 gloomy: dismal, dr

50 gloomy: dismal, dre

51 gloomy: dismal, drea

52 gloomy: dismal, drear

53 gloomy: dismal, dreary

54 The cardinal was a bright spot on a dismal, dreary day. What makes you feel better on a day that is dismal and dreary?

55 very tired:

56 very tired: e

57 very tired: ex

58 very tired: exh

59 very tired: exha

60 very tired: exhau

61 very tired: exhaus

62 very tired: exhaust

63 very tired: exhauste

64 very tired: exhausted

65 After a day at the park, the little guy was exhausted. What do you do that is exhausting?

66 beating against:

67 beating against: p

68 beating against: pe

69 beating against: pel

70 beating against: pelt

71 beating against: pelti

72 beating against: peltin

73 beating against: pelting

74 The storm was pelting the car with large hail. A hail like this pelting a car can really damage it.

75 angrily; not happily; gloomily:

76 angrily; not happily; gloomily: s

77 angrily; not happily; gloomily: su

78 angrily; not happily; gloomily: sul

79 angrily; not happily; gloomily: sull

80 angrily; not happily; gloomily: sulle

81 angrily; not happily; gloomily: sullen

82 angrily; not happily; gloomily: sullenl

83 angrily; not happily; gloomily: sullenly

84 Sullenly, Maria looked down at the pond. What do you think Maria is feeling sullen about? What makes you feel sullen?

85 in a bad mood:

86 in a bad mood: c

87 in a bad mood: cr

88 in a bad mood: cro

89 in a bad mood: cros

90 in a bad mood: cross

91 The baby is cross for having to share her crib with a ball. What makes you behave crossly?

92 stomped; walked in an angry way:

93 stomped; walked in an angry way: s

94 stomped; walked in an angry way: st

95 stomped; walked in an angry way: sta

96 stomped; walked in an angry way: stal

97 stomped; walked in an angry way: stalk

98 stomped; walked in an angry way: stalke

99 stomped; walked in an angry way: stalked

100 After being thrown out of the game, the player stalked off. Is stalking off a good thing or a bad thing?

101 silent:

102 silent: m

103 silent: mu

104 silent: mut

105 silent: mute

106 Most of the time, a giraffe is a mute animal. What do you think a muted color is?

107 angry because something is unfair:

108 angry because something is unfair: i

109 angry because something is unfair: in

110 angry because something is unfair: ind

111 angry because something is unfair: indi

112 angry because something is unfair: indig

113 angry because something is unfair: indign

114 angry because something is unfair: indigna

115 angry because something is unfair: indignan

116 angry because something is unfair: indignant

117 The boy was indignant that his friend got all the clay. What makes you indignant? How do you act when you feel this way?

118 something left out:

119 something left out: o

120 something left out: om

121 something left out: omi

122 something left out: omis

123 something left out: omiss

124 something left out: omissi

125 something left out: omissio

126 something left out: omission

127 The omission of sun protection caused him to suffer an unforgettable sunburn. This was probably the first, and will be the last time he omits sun protection!

128 a rope that cowboys use:

129 a rope that cowboys use: l

130 a rope that cowboys use: la

131 a rope that cowboys use: lar

132 a rope that cowboys use: lari

133 a rope that cowboys use: laria

134 a rope that cowboys use: lariat

135 Some cowboys work with a lariat. Some do tricks with a lariat. How do cowboys use a lariat in their jobs?

136 in an angry but silent way:

137 in an angry but silent way: s

138 in an angry but silent way: su

139 in an angry but silent way: sul

140 in an angry but silent way: sulk

141 in an angry but silent way: sulki

142 in an angry but silent way: sulkil

143 in an angry but silent way: sulkily

144 Little Lavora is sulkily looking your way. What could she be sulking about? Maybe she is acting sulkily because her shoes are too tight.

145 bothered by:

146 bothered by: v

147 bothered by: ve

148 bothered by: vex

149 bothered by: vexe

150 bothered by: vexed

151 Who is not vexed by this picture? It is very vexing. What vexes you?

152 continued:

153 continued: s

154 continued: su

155 continued: sus

156 continued: sust

157 continued: susta

158 continued: sustai

159 continued: sustain

160 continued: sustaine

161 continued: sustained

162 In a hurricane, sustained winds can continue for days. What does Sustained Silent Reading mean?

163 gave in, softened:

164 gave in, softened: r

165 gave in, softened: re

166 gave in, softened: rel

167 gave in, softened: rele

168 gave in, softened: relen

169 gave in, softened: relent

170 gave in, softened: relente

171 gave in, softened: relented

172 My uncle finally relented and took me to a monster truck show. When is the last time you relented?

173 having to do with the way the brain works:

174 having to do with the way the brain works: c

175 having to do with the way the brain works: co

176 having to do with the way the brain works: cog

177 having to do with the way the brain works: cogn

178 having to do with the way the brain works: cogni

179 having to do with the way the brain works: cognit

180 having to do with the way the brain works: cogniti

181 having to do with the way the brain works: cognitiv

182 having to do with the way the brain works: cognitive

183 Cognitive processes are very complex. What kind of doctor studies the brains cognitive processes?

184 not valued or thought to be important:

185 not valued or thought to be important: u

186 not valued or thought to be important: un

187 not valued or thought to be important: una

188 not valued or thought to be important: unap

189 not valued or thought to be important: unapp

190 not valued or thought to be important: unappr

191 not valued or thought to be important: unappre

192 not valued or thought to be important: unapprec

193 not valued or thought to be important: unappreci

194 not valued or thought to be important: unapprecia

195 not valued or thought to be important: unappreciat

196 not valued or thought to be important: unappreciate

197 not valued or thought to be important: unappreciated

198 Although they have an extremely important job, vultures are unappreciated animals. Are there times when you feel unappreciated? When?

199 looking, sneaking:

200 looking, sneaking: s

201 looking, sneaking: sn

202 looking, sneaking: sno

203 looking, sneaking: snoo

204 looking, sneaking: snoop

205 looking, sneaking: snoopi

206 looking, sneaking: snoopin

207 looking, sneaking: snooping

208 These Great Danes are snooping on their neighbors. When is snooping an okay thing to do? Why?

209 someone who works the cash register at a store:

210 someone who works the cash register at a store: c

211 someone who works the cash register at a store: ch

212 someone who works the cash register at a store: che

213 someone who works the cash register at a store: chec

214 someone who works the cash register at a store: check

215 someone who works the cash register at a store: checke

216 someone who works the cash register at a store: checker

217 Part of a checkers job is to put the items in a bag. What characteristics will a good checker have?

218 came out of:

219 came out of: e

220 came out of: em

221 came out of: eme

222 came out of: emer

223 came out of: emerg

224 came out of: emerge

225 came out of: emerged

226 This cicada is emerging from its cocoon. What other things emerge from a cocoon? From what other things do animals emerge?

227 lots of noisy activity:

228 lots of noisy activity: b

229 lots of noisy activity: bu

230 lots of noisy activity: bus

231 lots of noisy activity: bust

232 lots of noisy activity: bustl

233 lots of noisy activity: bustle

234 The room was full of the bustle of parent conversation. Name some places where there is always a bustle.

235 money for working extra hours:

236 money for working extra hours: o

237 money for working extra hours: ov

238 money for working extra hours: ove

239 money for working extra hours: over

240 money for working extra hours: overt

241 money for working extra hours: overti

242 money for working extra hours: overtim

243 money for working extra hours: overtime

244 Sometimes people earn extra money for working overtime. Even though working overtime can boost your piggy bank, it takes away your free time. Do you know what time and a half and double time mean when you are talking about overtime?

245 fancy and expensive food:

246 fancy and expensive food: g

247 fancy and expensive food: go

248 fancy and expensive food: gou

249 fancy and expensive food: gour

250 fancy and expensive food: gourm

251 fancy and expensive food: gourme

252 fancy and expensive food: gourmet

253 Gourmet meals usually have a fancy presentation. Do you like gourmet food? Why or why not? Will you find gourmet food at McDonalds?

254 part of a cars motor:

255 part of a cars motor: t

256 part of a cars motor: tr

257 part of a cars motor: tra

258 part of a cars motor: tran

259 part of a cars motor: trans

260 part of a cars motor: transm

261 part of a cars motor: transmi


263 part of a cars motor: transmis

264 part of a cars motor: transmiss

265 part of a cars motor: transmissi

266 part of a cars motor: transmissio

267 part of a cars motor: transmission

268 Your car will not run if it has transmission problems. What is the transmissions function?

269 refused to go:

270 refused to go: b

271 refused to go: ba

272 refused to go: bal

273 refused to go: balk

274 refused to go: balke

275 refused to go: balked

276 The first-time skydiver balked at leaving the airplane. What do you balk at doing? In baseball, what is a balk?

277 a machine you can buy things from, such as candy:

278 a machine you can buy things from, such as candy: v

279 a machine you can buy things from, such as candy: ve

280 a machine you can buy things from, such as candy: ven

281 a machine you can buy things from, such as candy: vend

282 a machine you can buy things from, such as candy: vendi

283 a machine you can buy things from, such as candy: vendin

284 a machine you can buy things from, such as candy: vending

285 a machine you can buy things from, such as candy: vending m

286 a machine you can buy things from, such as candy: vending ma

287 a machine you can buy things from, such as candy: vending mac

288 a machine you can buy things from, such as candy: vending mach

289 a machine you can buy things from, such as candy: vending machi

290 a machine you can buy things from, such as candy: vending machin

291 a machine you can buy things from, such as candy: vending machine

292 a machine you can buy things from, such as candy: vending machine old new Some people collect old vending machines. They need a lot of space for their collection!

293 background music played in elevators, offices, malls:

294 background music played in elevators, offices, malls: M

295 background music played in elevators, offices, malls: Mu

296 background music played in elevators, offices, malls: Muz

297 background music played in elevators, offices, malls: Muza

298 background music played in elevators, offices, malls: Muzak

299 Sometimes you dont realize that Muzak is playing because it is so so plain and ordinary. Next time you are in a public place listen for Muzak.

300 a sale of used items, such as clothing:

301 a sale of used items, such as clothing: r

302 a sale of used items, such as clothing: ru

303 a sale of used items, such as clothing: rum

304 a sale of used items, such as clothing: rumm

305 a sale of used items, such as clothing: rumma

306 a sale of used items, such as clothing: rummag

307 a sale of used items, such as clothing: rummage

308 Rummage sale is another way of saying yard or garage sale. Do you enjoy rummage sales? Why or why not?

309 made a face at; frowned:

310 made a face at; frowned: s

311 made a face at; frowned: sc

312 made a face at; frowned: sco

313 made a face at; frowned: scow

314 made a face at; frowned: scowl

315 made a face at; frowned: scowle

316 made a face at; frowned: scowled

317 Even though he is scowling, he is still cute, isnt he? What might make a little guy like him scowl?

318 a group of people:

319 a group of people: p

320 a group of people: pa

321 a group of people: par

322 a group of people: part

323 a group of people: party

324 This party is waiting for for a table at the restaurant. When your family goes to a restaurant, how many are in your party?

325 covered with material (as sofas are):

326 covered with material (as sofas are): u

327 covered with material (as sofas are): up

328 covered with material (as sofas are): uph

329 covered with material (as sofas are): upho

330 covered with material (as sofas are): uphol

331 covered with material (as sofas are): uphols

332 covered with material (as sofas are): upholst

333 covered with material (as sofas are): upholste

334 covered with material (as sofas are): upholster

335 covered with material (as sofas are): upholstere

336 covered with material (as sofas are): upholstered

337 This chair was upholstered in a floral print, but it was reupholstered in this check fabric after the floral print fabric wore out. Do you have upholstered furniture at your house?

338 being very angry inside:

339 being very angry inside: s

340 being very angry inside: se

341 being very angry inside: see

342 being very angry inside: seet

343 being very angry inside: seeth

344 being very angry inside: seethi

345 being very angry inside: seethin

346 being very angry inside: seething

347 This famous photo of this seething bird is called The Mad Bluebird. Why do you think the bluebird is seething? What makes you seethe?

348 to snoop; try to find out something:

349 to snoop; try to find out something: p

350 to snoop; try to find out something: pr

351 to snoop; try to find out something: pry

352 Curtains are a good way to keep neighbors from prying into your business. What are some synonyms for pry?

353 greatly feared:

354 greatly feared: d

355 greatly feared: dr

356 greatly feared: dre

357 greatly feared: drea

358 greatly feared: dread

359 greatly feared: dreade

360 greatly feared: dreaded

361 You dont have to worry about getting a case of the dreaded chicken pox. Now there is a vaccine for it. What are some things that you dread?

362 complete happiness:

363 complete happiness: b

364 complete happiness: bl

365 complete happiness: bli

366 complete happiness: blis

367 complete happiness: bliss

368 To some people, a candy shop is bliss. What is blissful to you?

369 sharp tasting:

370 sharp tasting: t

371 sharp tasting: ta

372 sharp tasting: tar

373 sharp tasting: tart

374 Lemons are a tart fruit. What else can you think of that has a tart taste?

375 fell in drops little by little:

376 fell in drops little by little: d

377 fell in drops little by little: dr

378 fell in drops little by little: dri

379 fell in drops little by little: drib

380 fell in drops little by little: dribb

381 fell in drops little by little: dribbl

382 fell in drops little by little: dribble

383 fell in drops little by little: dribbled The cat drank the water as it dribbled from the faucet. Can you name other things that dribble?

384 listening secretly:

385 listening secretly: e

386 listening secretly: ea

387 listening secretly: eav

388 listening secretly: eave

389 listening secretly: eaves

390 listening secretly: eavesd

391 listening secretly: eavesdr

392 listening secretly: eavesdro

393 listening secretly: eavesdrop

394 listening secretly: eavesdropp

395 listening secretly: eavesdroppi

396 listening secretly: eavesdroppin

397 listening secretly: eavesdropping

398 These two are putting a glass to the wall, eavesdropping on a conversation in the next room. Have you ever eavesdropped?

399 extra money left in a restaurant for the person who serves you:

400 extra money left in a restaurant for the person who serves you: t

401 extra money left in a restaurant for the person who serves you: ti

402 extra money left in a restaurant for the person who serves you: tip

403 extra money left in a restaurant for the person who serves you: tip Most people tip a server 15% of the food bill. In what other jobs do people get tips for providing a service?

404 outer clothes, coats:

405 outer clothes, coats: w

406 outer clothes, coats: wr

407 outer clothes, coats: wra

408 outer clothes, coats: wrap

409 outer clothes, coats: wraps

410 This pup has on his winter wraps. The term wraps is one that was used long ago.

411 spoiled, like milk:

412 spoiled, like milk: c

413 spoiled, like milk: cu

414 spoiled, like milk: cur

415 spoiled, like milk: curd

416 spoiled, like milk: curdl

417 spoiled, like milk: curdle

418 spoiled, like milk: curdled

419 You should not drink curdled milk! How can you tell if milk is curdled?

420 telling the truth:

421 telling the truth: c

422 telling the truth: co

423 telling the truth: con

424 telling the truth: conf

425 telling the truth: confe

426 telling the truth: confes

427 telling the truth: confess

428 telling the truth: confessi

429 telling the truth: confessio

430 telling the truth: confession

431 History books say that George Washington made a confession to his father that he had chopped down a cherry tree. Confessions are often not easy to do. Have you ever had to make a difficult confession?

432 in time to a beat:

433 in time to a beat: r

434 in time to a beat: rh

435 in time to a beat: rhy

436 in time to a beat: rhyt

437 in time to a beat: rhyth

438 in time to a beat: rhythm

439 in time to a beat: rhythmi

440 in time to a beat: rhythmic

441 Lots of rhythmic talent is needed to play the worlds largest drum set! Are you rhythmic? How do you know?

442 real:

443 real: g

444 real: ge

445 real: gen

446 real: genu

447 real: genui

448 real: genuin

449 real: genuine

450 A genuine diamond will cost a lot more than a fake one. genuine: $4200.00 fake $89.00 Many jewelers do not have genuine diamond jewelry in their show cases. Do you know why?

451 Wow! Now thats a lot of words! Try to use them in your speaking and writing.


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