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LAMAS Working Group 6-7 December 2017

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1 LAMAS Working Group 6-7 December 2017
Agenda Item 3.2 Guidelines for grant application Eurostat

2 Electronic application
From 1 January 2018, Estat moves to the eGrants tool Through "Participant Portal" of DG Research & Innovation Cover the full life cycle of grant implementation (find a call, submit a proposal, sign the grant and grant management) Significant simplification of the grants workflows Specific info day in September 2017 for your finance unit Documentation (H2020 Online manual, glossary, FAQ, helpdesk) available under the "Support section" of the "Participant Portal" Use of the eGrants tool is mandatory from 2018; proposals submitted by will not be accepted Eurostat

3 Call for proposal and application
Your organisation will receive an invitation with the link to the online submission system Documents will not be attached anymore to the , but available through the eGrant tool Final (not in draft) proposal should be submitted before the deadline as the system will close the call at the mentioned date and time Indicative time for the invitation: LFS 2019 AHM = end January Quality improvement and breaks in time series = end March Eurostat

4 Description of the action
Content similar to the current Section III.1 of the grant application form, but: Timetable split in two parts (tasks versus deliverables) Standard information on combined survey Please follow the template and instructions that will be given in the technical annex of the call Please mention/explain: Main tasks of each category of staff (permanent + temporary) in "Methodology to be followed/project implementation" Each cost mentioned in the budget sheet (e.g. for translation cost document(s) to be translated, for printing cost quantities foreseen) Fieldwork (sample size, quarter(s), proxy, etc. + pre-test) Eurostat

5 Budget Staff cost Other costs Non-eligible costs
In line with declaration of unit cost Mention pay grade and summary of main tasks for each staff category (permanent + temporary) Other costs With eGrants these are gathered in the same section Give information for each budget line Non-eligible costs With eGrants these should not be mentioned Give all information in the description of the action, especially if you use a repartition key Eurostat

6 Comments from the LAMAS EoV
User guide (step by step how to use the new tool) ->"Support section" of the "Participant Portal" Tool already in use -> Pilots with ± 10 countries Eurostat

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