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Covenant of Gospel BY Moreh Yehoshua.

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1 Covenant of Gospel BY Moreh Yehoshua

2 Isaiah 59:21 “And as for me,” says Adonai, “this is my covenant with them: my Spirit, who rests on you, and my words which I put in your mouth will not depart from your mouth or from the mouth of your children, or from the mouth of your children’s children, now or ever,” says Adonai .

3 Renew Covenant So is the Renew Covenant just a renewal of the Old Covenant? Or is this movement just a renewal of the legalism that Paul continually waged war against in his epistles? Surely it’s the latter. For the writer of Hebrews couldn’t have made God’s intentions any clearer concerning the passing away of the Old Covenant: "When He said a renew covenant, He has made the first obsolete. But whatever is becoming obsolete and growing old, is ready to disappear" (Heb. 8:13).

4 Paul say Galatians, Paul gives a short lesson on covenant contracts, reminding us that when one is ratified "no one sets it aside or adds conditions to it." Therefore, the Law which came 430 years later did not replace, set aside or modify that original covenant promise to Abraham. If it had, the inheritance would now be based on Israel’s obedience to the Law – not on God’s promise. "But God gave it to Abraham by means of a promise" (Gal 4:15-18).

5 Blood of Yeshua With Yeshua’s death, Israel received a renew covenant in his blood. The Old Covenant, having served its purpose, was not retired. Yeshua had fulfilled all the types and shadows that had pointed to him. He had redeemed God’s people from the curse we’d incurred for failure to keep the Law. And he’d put a new spirit within us so we could love God and our neighbor from the heart - which was the whole intent of the Law.

6 A Covenant in Blood In chapter 9, the author of Hebrews seeks to address this problem by reminding His audience that the death of the renew covenant Mediator is required to bring the renew covenant’s blessings. The old covenant had sacrifices and rituals that could not perfect the conscience of the worshiper (v. 9). But the blood of Messiah is not like this; in fact, it purifies the conscience for service (v. 14). And just as a death is necessary in order for a will to take effect, so too was the death of Yeshua necessary for us to receive His willed inheritance (vv. 16–17).


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