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A constitutional monarchy

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Presentation on theme: "A constitutional monarchy"— Presentation transcript:

1 A constitutional monarchy
OUR CONSTITUTION Passed in 1978 A document that Defines the Divides the state into Which guarantees Separation of powers A constitutional monarchy Provinces 50 Of the citizens of a country That have FDSFDFDFDF FDSFDFDFDF JUDITIAL POWER resides resides resides Government: President Ministers Judges and magistrates Parliament: Congress of deputies Senate A statute of autonomy Government institutions -Direct policy -Administer the State - Defence the country Judge and punish people who do not obey the law mkljklnklnknknknkjnknjknndgf

2 A constitutional monarchy
OUR CONSTITUTION Passed in 1978 A document that Defines the Divides the state into Which guarantees Separation of powers A constitutional monarchy Provinces 50 Of the citizens of a country That have FDSFDFDFDF FDSFDFDFDF JUDITIAL POWER resides resides resides Government: President Ministers Judges and magistrates Parliament: Congress of deputies Senate A statute of autonomy Government institutions -Direct policy -Administer the State - Defence the country Judge and punish people who do not obey the law Write and pass the laws

3 A constitutional monarchy
OUR CONSTITUTION Passed in 1978 A document that Defines the Divides the state into Which guarantees rights duties Separation of powers A constitutional monarchy Autonomous communities Provinces 50 municipalities Of the citizens of a country That have LEGISLATIVE POWER EXECUTIVE POWER JUDITIAL POWER resides resides resides Parliament: Congress of deputies Senate Government: President Ministers Judges and magistrates A statute of autonomy Government institutions -Direct policy -Administer the State - Defence the country Judge and punish people who do not obey the law Write and pass the laws

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